Making Decisions…. 45 weeks post #hiparthroscopy

Archive, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

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At the start of the weekend I found myself asking this…..

Question – So how do you ever decide to do it or not? My history is I’ve had 2 triple pelvic osteotomies, 2 femoral osteotomies, 4 steroid injections, and now 1 Arthroscopy op which removed All my labrum and shaved the femoral head. I have grade 4 osteoarthritis in the acetabular and grade 3 in femoral head. And although I walk aided with a walking stick, I’m now still better than I’ve ever been in 10yrs. But I struggle with gait, still get pain when tired or walked too much. Since my latest steroid 27th June it’s been lovely, so now I’m doubting the decision to move towards a replacement, as surgeon McBryde has discussed it may not rid me of pain 100 percent, or rid me of my stick either. I’m so confused and frustrated.

Such a difficult decision to make, and the state of the NHS worries me. What if I delay and in a year or two it’s no longer an option? And of course it’s taking myself out of action again, recovery again and taking risks surgery wise.

So hard to make this decision. And one I’m not taking lightly either.

And now after a busy weekend, my mind is almost made up….

I’ve swung from delaying it to absolutely doing it once again!! And what has changed my mind? You ask. Well pain has, I think it’s the end of the steroid relief, it’s been 4.5 weeks since I had it done, and the white hot burning groin pain has started to creep back into my life. At first I thought I was just tired, or overdid it (ie went upstairs for the loo too many times) but no… As I sit here after all night resting it’s as angry as hell, and it makes me feel so angry, frustrated and murderous.

But I also question, is this flare up of pain due to the change in weather??

I have until 21st August and I’m keeping a note of pain levels and weather, to show the surgeon and get his opinion on this. But as it stands here and now, I say it’s gotta go, I’m over hips ruling my every waking/sleeping moment, my pain invades my happiness and clarity to think straight. I just want to live life and have adventures.

Bad back and hippie woes!

Archive, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, SURGERY, Travel, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO


This week I launched my Tragically hip tees on and you too can own one, raise awareness for all us hippies, click Here

It has 10 days until campagin ends and then they ship out 15th August. So that was my Monday, feeling marginally better back wise, ice really being my friend for pain relief.

Tuesday I managed to go down to one crutch, feeling a lot less broken and I’ve started to actually move a bit more, I’m scared of it becoming too stiff.

Wednesday I did some gentle stretches, I found ones for back pain, I did the minimum as it was all about movement, not actually exercise.


Simple and gentle was all I was after, and now I’m finally back onto my walking stick, huge improvement since Sunday. Last of the nice days tomorrow so we decided on an impromptu beach visit. I obviously felt better in my head.


Thursday we popped to Barmouth, a journey I don’t usually mind, though this time it certainly was harder and more painful indeed. But sun was glorious, water was heavenly and to swim was a good giggle. Only time my back didn’t hurt was in the sea!! My head wanted to do loads, but in truth just a quick swim and stroll to the ice cream shop did me in. Had to keep sitting down, not that the seats are comfy.



I practically slept all the way home, the day really took it out of me, way more than I imagined too. But I’m glad we did it, a sunny day at the beach is always worth it.

Phew then Friday it was my birthday, a lunar eclipse, blood moon and mercury in retrograde. I was bodily broken, still feeling the effects from the beach visit. But we’ve had a gentle day, with my parents, then a movie #spidermanhomecoming as I’m a Spidey fan. And pink gin, what could be better??

Sadly too cloudy for us, Thor God of thunder came to visit so we had no view of this spectacular celestial event, once in a century event. Gutted.


Disaster…. Help!!

Archive, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

Last time we spoke my lovelies, all was going reasonably well, few hiccups and bumps in the road, but on the whole smoothly!!

Not anymore, I’ve pulled my back and I can barely move. It’s such a huge setback fitness wise and couch to 5k wise. I can’t do physio, weights or walking unaided. In fact I’m back on crutches as I can’t walk. I’ve never had a muscle pull like this before, and I have no idea how long it will take to recover from either.

Not what I wanted for my birthday week. 😥

Friday we had the wedding which was glorious, romantic and just beautiful.

Saturday was hangover and travel home from mother in law’s, so the day went pretty fast. All were exhausted but I felt ok, hip was angry was my biggest concern.

Sunday I was trying to pick my handbag up off the floor, when twang went my back. I couldn’t get up, couldn’t walk, only crawl to sofa. And oh my god did I cry and cry and cry….that was seriously painful.

And it’s still so sore now, all I’m doing is icing and ibuprofen, paracetamol. But I’m missing my routine of exercise and I’m frustrated already. Any advice??

3 weeks post intra-articular steroid injection in hip

Archive, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO


How time is flying by, it’s already been 3 weeks since the hip injection and even 2 weeks since the thumb one too.

Since then I’ve been active on our weekend away, getting into some exercise routines and just generally loving the improvement. Only marred by that in the hip it’s not a total fix. After activity it soon flares up again.

My thumb on the right hand however is awful. As soon as my left had its injection I needed to rely on my right one more, which has caused this one to flare up the same way. So although my left is feeling 90% better, I can’t escape splints and pain because of this stupid one starting up. Roll on rheumatologist appointment and maybe request a steroid in this as soon as possible.


We haven’t done any of our couch to 5k for over 2 weeks simply because real life have taken over and it’s been difficult to fit it in. However I have done physio or weights or that other workout on most days.

Monday we decided to do week 4 run 1 and OMG I felt like I was dying. It’s 3mins run walk for 1.5mins then 5min run walk 2.5mins and repeat once more. In the runs I’m shuffling along as upright as I can, as fast as I can to increase the heart rate and lung functions, and practice my walking unaided. But I soon felt piriformis pain in the back, so waddle returned on the second set. But I’m still impressed, less resting, using uneven ground. The walk is getting straighter.

Tuesday’s physio appointment consisted of

Hip Bridges with Football between knees 25reps

Front leg raise and abduction red banded 25reps

Lie on front, bend knee and lift red banded 25reps

Sitting red band around knees hip abduction 25reps

Swiss ball between knees and squeeze adduction 25reps

Side steps red band around knees 80 steps

Came out barely able to walk!! Combined with Mondays couch to 5k and this physio session I’m done. Feels like walking on a dagger in the joint. And my lower back is aching. Need hot water bottle and rest now.

Had good discussion about a replacement with physiotherapist, but I’m still unsure. Whereas before my steroid injection I was deadly sure, so although the pain isn’t 100% gone it’s obviously improved enough that my mind has changed. Ever mindful that it will wear off soon though.

Wednesday is Mama Moons birthday so all exercise is halted as it’s a day of family and celebrating!! Wish I could spoil her more, but what do you buy the lady that has everything already?



Thursday is #WyattWedding prep, we are invited to our Nephew’s wedding, so of course I had to make some hairpins for myself


Didn’t do my hand any good, but I enjoyed the relaxing craft (though it’s difficult on my hand – right hand, left one still wonderful). Now just to pack and ensure everything is already, and we are all prepared for the next few days ahead.

Nails I’m wearing are #Primark nails as I totally rate them, they are my favourite go to nails. I buy a separate brush on glue 99p from #HomeBargains or #BM and they easily last me a week, usually 2 weeks.

So that’s me I’m 43 weeks post #hiparthroscopy and due to steroid injections I’m enjoying life with some niggles.

42 weeks post #HipArthroscopy

Archive, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO


Best Fitness Motivation Memes best 20 don t give up ideas on pinterest dreams e

Well if I was pregnant I have now done a full term and then some… But I’m not. However I do feel more in a position to judge the arthroscopy surgery and it’s results so far.

Am I pain free? Quick easy answer is NO. but I’m coming to terms with its unlikely to be that painfree ever.

Am I more mobile? This is more difficult to answer, Yes I am doing more, but mainly because my mind isn’t as broken as before. And the realization that this may be as good as it gets forever, spurs me to make the most of it regardless.

Before my mind was truly broken, I didn’t trust my ability and stamina, I definitely didn’t trust the legs.

This past 9 months has been going to basics, working the muscles from absolutely nothing into legs I do trust to hold me up, they are stronger, I am fitter. (Sadly not lighter though)

It’s been 2 weeks since the steroid injection and it’s been ok, but it’s not been the magic pain free injection I hoped for. But I did have some improvement, so I can’t complain really.


This week it’s been about getting into an exercise routine once more, though I needed Monday off completely to recover from our barmouth weekend.

Tuesday I did the basic post hip replacement physio exercises

Glute squeeze 20reps x 2

Quad activation 20reps x 2

Heel Slide 20reps x 2

Hip abduction (lying down) 20reps x 2

Short Arc Quad 20reps x 2

External hip Rotation 20reps x 2

Bridging 20reps x 2

Pull in stomach breathing 20reps x 2

Hip flexion (ankle weights) 20reps x 2

Hip abduction (ankle weights) 20reps x2

Hip adduction (ankle weights) 20reps x 2

Hip extension forwards (ankle weights) 20reps x 2

Hip extension backwards (ankle weights) 20reps x 2

Heel to buttock (ankle weights) 20reps x 2

Mini squat (ankle weights) 20reps x 2

Hip pendulum (on step ankle weights) 20reps x 2

Looks like a lot, but broken down in an overall day of physio. It’s done slowly and methodically, with resting at times. All its for is muscle activation and strengthening.

Wednesday to rest the lower limbs it was a weights day. I’ve read that if you have Arthritis you should try and lift between 5% to 10% of your body weight, so you don’t lift too heavy and speed the disease up. I use 7kg for my arms now, but I started slowly and light at 2kg at first. I don’t do much as hands and elbows are in a joint flare up today.

Bicep curl 10reps x 2

Shoulder press 10reps x 2

Lateral raise 10reps x 2

Bicep row 10reps x 2

Tricep kickback 10reps x 2

Chest press 10reps x 2

Tricep overhead 10reps x 2

Kettle bell swing 10reps x 2

Again it looks more than it is in reality, and the sets are broken up between morning and afternoon. It’s to lubricate and activate, more than anything.

Thursday I can feel a change in the air, my joints ache, mainly my fingers and elbows. Although hip is niggly too. Opt for a day of mostly rest, painkillers and hot water bottles. I discovered I can’t even lunge my left foot behind me due to ankle issues ( I rolled it in may 2017 and it’s still not right now. Perhaps I should see someone) I did try some compound exercise for physio though, only 5 exercises but they killed me off.

Goblet Squat 10reps x 2

Three point row 10reps x 2

One dumbbell reverse lunge 10reps x 2 (actually can’t officially lunge, it’s more of a step back, and letting leading leg take weight, super easy for most folks but for me it’s painful and very difficult)

Single arm chest press 10reps x 2

Supine marching 10reps x 2 (this really pulled operated legs glutes into action, but also hurt my groin. Don’t think hip is ready for this? It’s meant to work your core, but I felt it all in the hip??)

Friday I honestly feel bodily broken so it’s probably a curl up on the sofa, hot water bottle and Netflix kind of day. Frustrating as brain says go, body says NO. But I’m pleased I managed 3 days of various physiotherapy exercises, so if I don’t do anything today that’s still self care and productive in my healing.



Weekend away with family

Archive, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

Day 9, 10, 11, 12 post #intra-articular steroid hip injection, and day 2,3,4,5 for post steroid hand injection. Both have been tested greatly in our weekend adventures.

Sunny Barmouth has been glorious this holiday!! We loved swimming in the sea, I got to have my nephew’s swimming with me, and such giggles we had all round.

The cottage was amazing, it was 300yrs old,the history and tales it could tell. All higgledy piggledy and full of character.

Walked along beaches, which is still hugely problematic hip and mobility wise. Hip is 80% better than before the steroid, so it’s not fully pain free. Hand however is absolutely fabulous. Aches yes at the end of the day, but I expected that. Beach walks take A LOT out of me, and pain levels soon rise quickly.

So now we are home, it’s time to rest for a while, to settle the hip down and see how long it stays angry for. But I’m definitely impressed with the hand pain which had totally crippled me up until that steroid injection. I wonder how long it will last for?

Day 7 + 8 post #intra-articular #steroid injection in Hip.

Archive, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

It’s been a week, and Wow that time has flown by!!

Today it’s a MiCats appointment for my hand, and I honestly expected nothing, except maybe a referral to a rheumatologist. Which did happen, hopefully appointment in 6-9 weeks time, but also I was offered the #steroid injection into the CMC joint today. I said yes, though nervous. Nicer to get it out of the way.

The doctor was lovely, she confirmed again there is no Rheumatoid Factor but high levels of inflammation. And the DIP joints ( finger top knuckles) as well as basal thumb joint all show wear and tear indications it’s Arthritis, or my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Something is happening, so it’s a process of elimination now.

Injection did smart a bit, once again I had Marcaine, Lidocaine and Kenalog injection. I’m happy as so far it’s just been hair loss as a side effect.

This is in the evening, so looks ok. Super stiff and achy though. Hurts to use, so having 24hours off. Been instructed to brace it as well.

Hand swelled up too, so I’ve removed my rings just in case.

Hip wise I confess it’s been nagging, bit grumbly and not quite right. But it’s nearly that time of the month, which usually sends ALL my joints haywire and extra painful too. So it could be that. That groin pain has gone again though so that’s all good.

Day 8 it’s mad dash packing day, why do I leave it until the last minute?? Only popping to barmouth in a cottage with family, but should be a giggle. 2 nights 3 days away, hope this weather lasts!! Packing one handed is pretty difficult I might add.

Woke up with a super stiff right shoulder and neck, not entirely sure why though? Going to need hot water bottles and ibuprofen today. Hand feels pretty good, just braced to limit its range for now.

Hopefully all will be ace while we are away, and I will be pain free too. Have a lovely weekend my lovelies xx

Steroid injection day 5 + 6

Archive, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

Pleased to say all is quiet on the hip front, although clearly I did too much yesterday as my operated leg quad muscle was aching all day on day 5. So that prompted a total lower body rest. Boring but I feel necessary, as I have Physio the following day anyways at the Hospital.

I chose to do free weights so I’d at least got a workout done, making me feel productive and it helps mentally as well as physically. And not forgetting to sunbathe, seriously can’t believe the luck we’ve been having with all this glorious sunshine and warmth.

My new appointment for my 6week post injection date came through, it’s for August 21st. Here I think I’ll push for more answers on scar tissue and if there’s any point in delaying a hip replacement now?!

Day 6 saw me at the hospital for physiotherapy, so I can ask advice and let her assess if there’s any movement improvement, better range or stamina. As it’s so hard to gage it yourself. Awoke with awful Glute pain, not sure why though? Seems weird it was the Quad muscle, now it’s the opposite Glute muscle?

Front leg raise

Then front leg raise to abduction

Football between knees hip bridges, then into sitting up and hip adduction.

Prone lying on front, bend knee and raise.

All these actually eased off some muscle aches. But it did hurt the groin so I’m having to rest up and increase painkillers. Bored though, so I think I best watch the football to entertain me.