Hip Flexor Pain Again!!

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Seventeen, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

Left hip woes…. It’s 80 weeks post hip replacement. And that is amazing!! However the Left is a whole other ball game!!

Hip flexor pain which is what I think I’m suffering from lately. It can be caused by a variety of problems from poor movement patterns (like my gait) to an actual hip flexor strain

Muscle Strain

Hip flexor strains most commonly occur due to a sudden contraction of the hip flexor muscles (particularly in a position of stretch). They often occur during sprinting or kicking activities (neither of these are applicable to me, but mine is when I’m stepping upwards). This is particularly so during explosive acceleration as I push up and press the leg down to step upwards on a steeper incline.

You will usually feel a sudden sharp pain ( it feels like a sudden instability and unable to take my weight ) pulling sensation in the front of the hip or groin at the time of injury. In minor strains, pain may be minimal allowing continued activity, (I think this is me, as I can continue in most movement afterwards, but I’m more guarded)

In more severe cases, patients may experience severe pain, muscle spasm, weakness and an inability to continue the activity. Patients with a severe hip flexor strain may also be unable to walk without limping, (this was me this week after a weird step and twist in the kitchen!) I think I turned to step away to fast and left the planted leg too long.

People with this condition usually experience pain when lifting the knee towards the chest (especially against resistance, I can’t do it with resistance at all.) or during activities such as running, kicking or going upstairs (my personal nemesis)

It is also common for people to still suffer pain or stiffness after these activities with rest. I thoroughly recommend ice and elevate, or even a hot water bottle works for me.

A hip flexor strain is an injury characterized by tearing of one or more of the hip flexor muscles and typically causes pain in the front of the hip or groin. (The groin for me every time!!)

The group of muscles at the front of the hip are called the hip flexors. The most commonly involved muscle in a hip flexor strain is the iliopsoas

The hip flexors are responsible for moving the knee towards the chest (i.e. bending the hip) during activity and are particularly active when walking, jogging or if kicking a ball.

Whenever the hip flexors contract or are put under stretch, tension is placed through the hip flexor muscle fibres. When this tension is excessive due to too much repetition or high force, the hip flexor muscle fibres may tear. I’m thinking my much loved walks are accelerating the decline of the left hip.

When this occurs, the condition is known as a hip flexor strain. Tears to the hip flexors can range from a small partial tear where there is minimal pain and minimal loss of function, to a complete rupture involving a sudden episode of severe pain and significant disability.

Physiotherapy for hip flexor pain

  • anti-inflammatory advice
  • ice or heat treatment
  • progressive exercises to improve hip strength and flexibility

Feeling Grounded

Archive, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Seventeen, Family Adventures, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

I have always felt a connection to nature, the quiet and remote feeling you get walking through woods, and roaming hills, or even at quiet seaside.

The energies are different and you are just present right there in the moment. Music also can do this if you are not able to get outside.

My anxiety always springs up when I feel out of control, to prepare for this, for that. When I read the news, or spend too long on social media. None of these things are healthy. (Unless you are watching YouTube vids of fluffy doggos)

So if you can get out there, clear your mind body and soul of toxic negativity and just cleanse yourself. If you can walk barefoot, or if like me, we put our feet in cold streams.