68 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Five, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

I’m missing my physiotherapist for sure. But I decided to not let my physio routine slip. Though with my hands and hips I’ve had more flare ups since this all happened, wonder if connected with stress and anxiety??

Most days I’m doing static physio exercises, incorporating the Bosu ball as it’s amazing for balance and micromovements in the muscles. Feels like for less exercise I’m working the joints more.

While I feel improvement at home, I’m definitely NOT with walking, which is a huge disappointment if I’m honest. My hand is wrecked from my walking stick, it’s also dislocating/subluxing my shoulder too!!

So new goals I need to try and walk without it, but I’m still struggling distance with it. Catch 22. Though I have managed some walking without it (heavenly) while it lasted.

Walks are beautiful though and great for my mentality too. I’m just so so broken afterwards. Like 5 days totally off exercise and much movement after a walk. Anyone else? Leg swells up too.

The gradient is flat and not hilly really, even base too. So confused as too why it’s still causing so much groin pain.

At least it was a good opportunity to test the hip out, it’s just a shame I can’t ask for advice or see the therapist about it all.

17 Weeks #Etoricoxib

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Five, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

Its been a struggle, the last few weeks my hands have FLARED up so so bad. Each night it’s at its worst, feeling like they are being crushed in a vice, but they are simply resting.

My worst hand is this left one, the one I daren’t ever have injections I again after that disaster last time. Random swellings and crushing sensations in this one every day and night.

Right one better but not 100 percent. Has now weirdly developed a dip or dent where the joint is. It’s new to me, though I know others have it. Not sure why it’s appeared at all.

Feel like I need to discuss medication with the GP but also terrified to go. Not even sure there is anything they can do, I know I need surgery, but until I walk unaided it’s not even an option 😭😭😭 Has anyone else had an increase in pain?

Decided to source the 8 paracetamol a day, and take my etoricoxib as planned too, with an additional cbd oil. Could be pure placebo,or snake oil. But I’m willing to give it a chance, anything to settle these hands down. Started on Friday, so let’s see how this works out.