Traditionally a MTB place, we are off to hunt waterfalls that Mr Moon has seen on his Biking days. I’ve never been here so it’s all new for me.

We had the first part of the day back on Barmouth beach, having our breakfast porridge pot, and first coffee looking out to sea. It was heavenly and much warmer than the previous day.

After feeling like I’d had too much sun, as I do have a sun allergy. We headed to the woods, a perfect place to get some shade, though it was cooling off as it was 2pm. We planned a small walk and have our pot noodles near the river.

We finished around tea time, and it was time to get off home. Feeling good we were driving in the golden hour we felt we had no cares in the world. Until the A458 and there was a fire in the middle of the road, so that caused a huge 40min detour. But home by 9pm we were exhausted but thrilled to have had such a lovely adventure.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel

After such a busy week with hospitals and lots of early mornings, we ditched the idea of a big walk, as it requires a lot of planning and driving. So sun shining we head out for just down the road from us.

Straight away we spot the deers having some lunch, and feeling at ease. We drive slowly to admire them, and then off to park up and go for an amble.

Lots of landscape changes being made for wildlife, and lots of bushcraft huts that the kids have made over the years.

The river is crystal clear and the skies are blue, what a beautiful spring day, that shows us the Equinox is nearly here (Sunday 20th March) and tonight is a full moon. It’s been great to get out and clear the cobwebs away.

We stop for donuts and cider and get catching to the local Robin. We met a lovely couple and got chatting, so nice to come across young couples that are full of beans for the place. It is a stunning place.

We finish off our day with a trip to the chippie, for a mixed meat kebab chips and salad. It’s so big we only buy 1 to share, yet have a plate full each which we never finish, so save it for the next day, so technically we get 4 meals out of 1 Kebab.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

We managed to get a walk in before this hectic week staying in for hospital appointments, and what an epic walk it was!!

The only non rainy day we snatched it while we could, so it’s 9 days after the previous walk, so hoping the Right hip behaves, but we made sure that it had no Stiles and not much elevation.

We wandered off our track hunting out a stone, and we got more than we bargained for. Discussing adders and how we never see them, Mr Moon only nearly stood on one!!

And then luckily we didn’t disturb him too much and proceeded to run into a herd of Deer. Thank goodness the wind was blowing towards us, so we managed to see them well.

We sat and ate cheese and onion sandwiches, drank a beer and thoroughly loved seeing the views and people walking, we even caught a glimpse of a fighter jet, certainly heard it first!! This has to be one of the best walks ever!!

Managed to see small waterfalls, I was sad I hadn’t brought my crystals to cleanse, but we didn’t expect water on this route. We ended the day with Mr Moon taking a photo for a couple, as he’s a good one like that.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

This walk mentioned here was done a week or so ago. Been resting ever since.

Sometimes things don’t go to plan, and you just never know how or when. We had an epic new place to have a walk around, the weather was good, and I was excited.

But as I was preparing my coat and bag in the car, I hurt my hand merely twisting the wrist, and I burst into tears. My god this hand it getting hard to live with. This hand was already in a compression glove and splint to protect it, yet I still managed to hurt it.

Getting myself together and forcing the tears away, we set off. Pretty lovely amble at first, until I sank in some mud, thank heavens for boots!

We managed to get to the main destination, but it came with a cost of the hip swelling up quite a lot. Clearly it didn’t like this retrain and the challenges I was putting it through. I took more pain relief and grateful I could sit down and properly rest it.

After getting to our main part, it was all downhill and through countless more fields, but we stumbled upon a new situation, one that we always have at the back of our minds, Stiles. If you’re lucky you get gates, or tiny passing places, or a well built stile. However I reached one that made me cry, I was terrified of it, it felt too high, too hard, and too unsteady. I was convinced I was going to fall, and we had to shove the leg over. And it meant one hip needed to internally rotate, so I could get a toe hold while bringing other leg over. Now if you have a hip replacement you may know this is a huge No No. I had to trust my 3yr old hip replacement to do this, and it felt boggy, thankfully I got over but the whole experience tipped me over the emotional edge.

Knowing we could have many many Stiles, and me already in a state with a swollen hip and emotional nervous wreck, we stopped to have coffee and eat more sandwiches while Mr Moon reassessed the route and changed it for a road instead. We ended the walk much earlier than planned, but I was grateful. It was definitely the right call.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel

Winter brings rain and rain brings mud, as well as icy winds. But we don’t let it deter us, and to keep our spirits high we head on out to the glorious Peak District.

Pains aside as they are happening with or without movement, it’s best to keep this leg moving as best as we can.

We head to the magickal kingdom of #LudsChurch we’ve been before, you can read about the history of this place Here

Quite sheltered from the chilly winds here, and you forget how cold the day actually is. But following the church it’s time to head out on the moor land which is open, bonus for views, but very very open to winds.

Views for miles, you can see so much, more so when the clouds lift. Too scared to stand on the rocks, I let Mr Moon do the honours and marvel at how glorious it is.

Hips and Lower back took a big hit in this walk, due to tensing up a lot over the muddy sections. Really felt it in the hip flexors, and back. I’m glad I’ve now got some back stretches to try, and see if they will help in the long run. So rewarded ourselves with hot water bottles once home!!

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Nine, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel

I have recently learnt of another family member that has recently passed, and it’s fair to say it’s taking an emotional toll on both me and my Mr Moon. While the loss was expected, doesn’t make it necessarily easier.

This time it’s my Uncle, the husband to my auntie who we lost very recently. So following this news I knew I needed to get out of the house and breathe in some fresh air, and feel the energies of nature, and it’s Imbolc what better time to focus on death, rebirth and life.

When it was cold and windy the energies here felt bleak and stark, and we called it Quarry Cleaves from Stonewylde (Check out the Stonewylde series by my late friend Kit Berry (sadly passed in October ) Here

As we felt the bite of the wind, a glimmer of sun shone out and we were blessed with a rainbow, something I never expected.

Walking is so good for meditation, your sole focus is one foot in front of the other, so it helps you be present in that moment. And when the weather is so changeable you get to really feel alive. Sounds crazy I know, but there is something life affirming to feel a bitter chill, or the glow of sunshine, and even the hydration of rain on your face. I guess it’s feeling lucky to be able to feel these things.

The area is steeped in history, we’ve been here before, but we revisited the lead mines, found old caves and pump houses. It’s nice to explore and learn history. We stopped to speak to an old gentleman, who was talking about how lucky we are to have this beautiful countryside, and he’s absolutely right!! I’m forever grateful for the hills, the fields, and rivers. It was nice to talk to him.

It was an amazing day and so good for the soul, But I wish I had a different body, and pain levels though. My back was absolutely crippled, and my 3yr old hip replacement decided to throw up a lot of groin pain too.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Eight, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

We had a really good break, since our late trip out. The weather stated it was warmer, we picked a flatter area, and mission is on!!

Now there’s no various appointments, it’s been boring staying indoors. I needed some fresh air.

The path is muddy, but more claggy sticky mud than slippy. The path winds down around the River Wye. Watching dippers bob up and down, dipping into the water, Heron taking off, looking like a Pterodactyl.

The day is amazing with blue skies, a little wind, and some warmth in the sun. We took it all very slowly and with maximum tablets, and pole. I’ve noticed I scramble too, often using my hands and grabbing things to steady myself, rocks, fence posts, walls. No wonder I have upper body aches too.

Warm pot noodle made dinner good fuel to keep us warm. Mentally this day out has been invaluable. Bodily I won’t be moving for a long time, but worth it.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel

Well not sure I regret it exactly, but we did a walk that showed me my limitations, and I have really suffered since!

But it’s cold, far far colder than I was prepared for, even though I wore tights. That was a mistake in itself as the seams on the toes rubbed me.

Neither of us really remembered the path or route, so it threw up challenges we weren’t prepared for,so Mr Moon had to manually lift my leg in places, or I had to crawl in a fashion to get by.

It took me so long to do the shortest amount that the sun was setting and twilight was fast approaching. I have never felt pain like it!! I think being so careful over mud made me tense up, and I over worked my hips. This will need some serious bed rest to help me recover along with lots of tramadol.

Though my ability was pushed passed, when I look at photos I still look back fondly as its glorious countryside, and stunning views.

Archive, Arthritis, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Travel

I’m starting to feel where and when the limitations appear in the hip, which means I’m also improving, not in traditional physio, which is still unbelievably difficult, but in walking.

I changed my shoe lift to a soft barely there one, and the lurch and rocking between the two heights was far more pronounced than previously, but at least it didn’t ache my foot arch.

I did my first hike as a double hippie and posted it Here and though I was broken for days (nearly a week) afterwards, barely moving for pain. The wonders it did on my mind was unreal. So clearly I am keen to build upon that.

My actual physio appointment is next week, so this week we decided to try a hike again. Lower and more flat and stable paths, as I hadn’t truly healed perfectly. But slapping on as much ibuprofen gel my leg could handle, taking my 3 tramadol and 6 paracetamol (throughout the day) we wrapped up and headed out.

This time the temperature was a lot lower, and this proved to be the bigger issue in the hips. As I barely have feeling skinwise around both hips, I didn’t realise how cold they had got. It was -4° and they were stiff. Had to sit down far more times this hike, but that was enjoyable.

I find some movements it’s a good job I have my Mr Moon, as he has to manually lift the leg, or move the foot as I simply don’t have the strength to do it myself, or my brain signals aren’t going through. It’s a bit frustrating but at least it’s something I can forward onto the physio or surgeon in the next 2 weeks.

Getting home we spoiled ourselves with a mixed meat kebab, chips and salad. And a hot water bottle, as those hips took the rest of the night to warm up. They were painfully cold.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel

Can you believe it’s been 12 weeks since my Hip Replacement? Those that read the blog will know it’s been difficult, the leg length difference to me is a HUGE hindrance.

When I saw my Micats therapist who does my steroid injections in the hand, she saw my Leg length difference and was shocked I’ve been left for a year. And proceeded to give me 2 small (only 1.5cm) shoe lifts, one soft and one hard. To try a relieve the lower back pain I’m getting, as it’s horrendous.

I tried this one for 1 day in Glastonbury and though that day I felt ok, the pain in my other hip was greatly increased so I opted to remove for the following 2 days on Glastonbury. As Micats did say to start slowly to get used to them. So 2 days of total rest at home, then it was our York getaway. So back into the right shoe only went the green one, and this time it felt normal, like it wasn’t even there. I walked straighter, and more relaxed, which in turn relieved my back pain and rib pain.

Yesterday on a gentle woodland stroll I tried the blue one for the first time, and it felt awful, really hurt my back. And I could feel it under each step. But thinking back to the first time I used the green one I felt like this, so it could get better over time. However I did feel more confident to use a walking stick instead of a crutch, so that’s a silver lining.

I have a quick getaway booked (so many little getaways all at once, timing is because so many Halloween events are on) in Northumberland with my Daughter and her family, next week so I will be testing this theory out, and taking both shoe lifts. I’m really hoping ultimately the blue will feel more normal and allow me to walk with more confidence as less of a up and down action, as that’s really annoying me.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO