I had zero help from the GP, who barked at me for asking for a rheumatologist referral. I only said that micats recommend that I ask for a referral for rheumatology and have bloods checked, as it’s been years. Well he was offended I asked, demanded to know why micats hadn’t done it, and quite honestly angered me beyond belief. Here I am, just struggling to get my hands to work, and sleep due to pain.

So all I got out of him was maybe an occupational therapist referral, but goodness knows how long that will take, but it’s better than nothing. Perhaps they can refer to a rheumatologist, though I’ve emailed micats to help me too.

I’ve been trying to do some exercises especially for the hands, like tendon glides to see if this will help ease some of this flare. My micats lady is unavailable for advice until 14th February and this level of pain is just soul destroying.

I would love new splints, but I want to see occupational therapy first to see if they can advise me on them, and maybe help me get a day one and a stiffer one for nighttime. To see if more active rest will help.

As least this type of phsyio I can do sitting watching TV, or reading a book. I do wear my compression gloves while doing them, just to help support the thumb a bit.

I hate moaning, and in winter it’s definitely what I seem to do more, as the whole body fails me. Sometimes it just sucks to have pain 24/7 and no relief. I so wanted some help from a GP and I’ve never felt so medically abandoned in my life!!

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

No appointments really this week, apart from a telephone appointment to ask about a rheumatologist, and occupational therapy appointments, as I need them for my hands badly.

Grateful that the hip isn’t giving me much trouble. Still the same Psoas pain, and the occasional groin pain on the right side. But overall they are doing well, back pain is constant too, but I’m used to that.

My lower back is immensely stiff, and I’m having a lot of issues with my hands, which are needing gloves, braces and splint almost 24hrs a day.

With both of them hurting, I’m going to have to be gentle around them while doing physio. So for my exercises, I’m keeping it low, but challenging with a bosu ball.

And adding this new one, Split Squats to try and get some balance, I will have a chair nearby for support, as I don’t expect to be good at it at first.

Hopefully these won’t hinder my back too much, or my hands. Let’s hope they are good enough to work the hips enough. I have a normal physio appointment next week, so I can always get some advice from them too.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

We had a really good break, since our late trip out. The weather stated it was warmer, we picked a flatter area, and mission is on!!

Now there’s no various appointments, it’s been boring staying indoors. I needed some fresh air.

The path is muddy, but more claggy sticky mud than slippy. The path winds down around the River Wye. Watching dippers bob up and down, dipping into the water, Heron taking off, looking like a Pterodactyl.

The day is amazing with blue skies, a little wind, and some warmth in the sun. We took it all very slowly and with maximum tablets, and pole. I’ve noticed I scramble too, often using my hands and grabbing things to steady myself, rocks, fence posts, walls. No wonder I have upper body aches too.

Warm pot noodle made dinner good fuel to keep us warm. Mentally this day out has been invaluable. Bodily I won’t be moving for a long time, but worth it.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel