Traditionally a MTB place, we are off to hunt waterfalls that Mr Moon has seen on his Biking days. I’ve never been here so it’s all new for me.

We had the first part of the day back on Barmouth beach, having our breakfast porridge pot, and first coffee looking out to sea. It was heavenly and much warmer than the previous day.

After feeling like I’d had too much sun, as I do have a sun allergy. We headed to the woods, a perfect place to get some shade, though it was cooling off as it was 2pm. We planned a small walk and have our pot noodles near the river.

We finished around tea time, and it was time to get off home. Feeling good we were driving in the golden hour we felt we had no cares in the world. Until the A458 and there was a fire in the middle of the road, so that caused a huge 40min detour. But home by 9pm we were exhausted but thrilled to have had such a lovely adventure.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel

We had a really good break, since our late trip out. The weather stated it was warmer, we picked a flatter area, and mission is on!!

Now there’s no various appointments, it’s been boring staying indoors. I needed some fresh air.

The path is muddy, but more claggy sticky mud than slippy. The path winds down around the River Wye. Watching dippers bob up and down, dipping into the water, Heron taking off, looking like a Pterodactyl.

The day is amazing with blue skies, a little wind, and some warmth in the sun. We took it all very slowly and with maximum tablets, and pole. I’ve noticed I scramble too, often using my hands and grabbing things to steady myself, rocks, fence posts, walls. No wonder I have upper body aches too.

Warm pot noodle made dinner good fuel to keep us warm. Mentally this day out has been invaluable. Bodily I won’t be moving for a long time, but worth it.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel