This last week has been a massive struggle. Flaring up psoas pains all the time, along with hands I’d gladly amputate most days. I’ve not been sleeping well either.

As the psoas has flared up again, I have opted for more passive gentle stretches and movements.

I am finding this knee to chest incredibly difficult, and it hurts too. So slow and steady and nursed with ibuprofen gel and hot water bottles

We’ve not been out for a walk for 2 weeks and I can certainly tell, as it does help us mentally. So I hope we can change that this week, now the weather has improved a bit.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred One, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Not been walking for 12 days in total, the storms have put a stop to them, it was ultimately too muddy for us earlier, but add in high winds and it’s too dangerous to go out.

We had some family things that needed to be done anyways, and plenty of travelling to do too. So we felt it would be better to stay in on the other days, as bodily I wouldn’t of been able to do both a walk and travel for family.

I had hoped after Storm Dudley, and Storm Eunice we’d get to walk this week, but nooooo Storm Franklin is here for a play. So it’s time to get the bosu ball out.

Hoping these will be ok, it gets very boring fast doing the same Clams and Hip Flexion exercises, but obviously they are the main ones to do religiously.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Can you believe it’s been 12 weeks since my Hip Replacement? Those that read the blog will know it’s been difficult, the leg length difference to me is a HUGE hindrance.

When I saw my Micats therapist who does my steroid injections in the hand, she saw my Leg length difference and was shocked I’ve been left for a year. And proceeded to give me 2 small (only 1.5cm) shoe lifts, one soft and one hard. To try a relieve the lower back pain I’m getting, as it’s horrendous.

I tried this one for 1 day in Glastonbury and though that day I felt ok, the pain in my other hip was greatly increased so I opted to remove for the following 2 days on Glastonbury. As Micats did say to start slowly to get used to them. So 2 days of total rest at home, then it was our York getaway. So back into the right shoe only went the green one, and this time it felt normal, like it wasn’t even there. I walked straighter, and more relaxed, which in turn relieved my back pain and rib pain.

Yesterday on a gentle woodland stroll I tried the blue one for the first time, and it felt awful, really hurt my back. And I could feel it under each step. But thinking back to the first time I used the green one I felt like this, so it could get better over time. However I did feel more confident to use a walking stick instead of a crutch, so that’s a silver lining.

I have a quick getaway booked (so many little getaways all at once, timing is because so many Halloween events are on) in Northumberland with my Daughter and her family, next week so I will be testing this theory out, and taking both shoe lifts. I’m really hoping ultimately the blue will feel more normal and allow me to walk with more confidence as less of a up and down action, as that’s really annoying me.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

After 5 weeks away and solely been doing it alone at home, it’s time to find out if it’s helped, and what to do next. As well as updating the therapist with what the surgeon has said.

We start with the showing of progress so far, the Squat to Sit, Step ups, and Clams. Clams are my worse so they are here too stay. 1 crutch advised to stay to stop the waddling as best as we can.

Another good exercise to try is the marching while sitting down, so lifting the knee up, using those flexors (aka my nemesis) you can add your opposite hand to hold knee and push down, for a controlled weighted resistance.

This is the first time a therapist has specifically asked me to work out alternative days, as most say daily but they know you won’t. I am, but I do get swellings and white hot thigh pain, so to combat that, do exercise alternate days and use ice more.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Two, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

What a journey, I’ve been nervous, concerned, sore and exhausted, poorly and grieving. This recovery for me has been the biggest roller coaster out of all 10 if my hip surgeries. Biggest emotional trauma.

Since noticing my leg is super long I’ve carried an anxiety around, uncertain of the future, nervous of answers and possible surgery to fix it.But once I saw the surgeon, he has put my mind at rest over the #LLD (Leg Length Discrepancy)

After I showed him and I saw his face, I could see he was slightly concerned at first, until really scanning an x-ray, which actually showed us mechanically I’m only 4mm longer that side. He also reviewed all measurements of the parts from Symbios, against the actual internal measurements of my bones.

So rather we discussed it would be better to wait a year in having a shoe lift which will encourage that hip and adductors to continue to be lazy, I have to walk walk walk and do adduction exercises to encourage the pelvis to straighten out.

He did agree that the cup size was larger as the original one they had dislocated 5 times, so had to be changed to the back up plan one, thank goodness when you have custom hips they have a few options to try out. This cup size is what’s given me the 4mm length overall. So really the hard work begins now.

So back in a year, if the leg really hasn’t gone into a better length then I’m allowed to look at shoe lifts, or possible surgery. Fingers crossed it’s just hard work and time to sort it out.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty One, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Wow the pain increase lately has been awful, my knee and ankle, even tender to touch if you put hands on hips (though I noticed right hip is tender to touch too). Hands and shoulders are joining the pain gang, so it’s either EDS not playing nicely, or weather is starting to affect me too.

While I’ve been ok doing the Clam, Squat to Sit and Step ups exercises, I’ve added some to mix it up on alternate days, so I don’t get bored, or muscle fatigue.

These are fairly easy to do, and I started added them in, between the step ups and squat to sit exercises.

I find standing on the newly replaced leg easier than the opposite leg for some reason, it’s more stable. Less of an ache too.

Squat to sitting is deeper and more intense, but these can be done while boiling the kettle. Small squats are all about the control movement rather than how far down you can squat, And holding your core in.

Stamina is my biggest issue, and obviously the leg length, though I must be getting used to it as it’s not annoying me as much. Just need to build up the stamina as best as I can.

Parts of the scar are looking redder, more bruised and wider like its opening. So going to have to keep an eye on this, as that’s a bit scary!

I’ve noticed I’m getting knee pain on this operated side, I do remember this from last hip replacement surgery, so I’m not too concerned, but another thing I will be noting over the weeks to see what is flaring it up.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~Week Seventy Eight, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Stop the press….. I got in the bath!! I had been longing for it, but I knew I didn’t have the strength or flexibility for it, until today. The day started well, with a small bout of cooking a veggie chilli with tomatoes we grew and Quorn mince.

From this spurt of energy, and yet recovering from yesterday’s heavy physio session, we did some house maintenance, some tidying up and feeling generally a little bit better than we have for a month.

Candle lit, Hair Mask, CBD Oil based Shampoo and Conditioner from newly received beauty boxes (yep started them again) and a Body Shop Face Mask. Time for a bit of self care as I’ve let things slide in grief and I know she would be calling me an idiot.

Archive, Arthritis, Beauty Boxes, Covid -19 ~Week Seventy Eight, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

From 4 weeks to 5 weeks I’ve been more consistent with physio and walking. But I’m still taking rest days as they are important. If the hip aches too much from the day before, I take a day off exercise.

I’ve started really focusing on the isolation of the muscles, in the step ups on the Areobic Step. Going slowly up and slowly down, controlled. My goodness my hip feels it. Really targets those glutes and quadriceps, and hamstrings (I confess I don’t have much feeling at the moment in the hamstrings) I think it’s where the muscles are held and have lost some sensation.

I always get Piriformis and Sciatica Pain and Lower Back Pain, so to tackle this I’m doing my most hated exercise which is the clamshell ones. But this will tone, tighten and lift the leg, all while helping to relieve back and sciatic pains. Small lifts and very controlled holds for a few seconds.

Clam raise I will add is barely raising, it’s not about how high, more can 6ou raise it and hold, in a controlled manner. So if only a few centimetres that’s perfectly fine, form over height every time.

Once more an excellent exercise for Glutes, and Quadriceps, and your core stability are the Sit to Squats, small controlled movements, (don’t actually sit, to work legs harder) but this will also help balance, and improve back strength too, which I definitely need.

Pains are becoming more apparent now, like deep groin pain when inflammation flares up. And deep thigh (end of stem pain) thankfully all can be eased with rest, tramadol and hot water bottles.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Seventy Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

There is something so lovely about just getting outside to clear the mind. Never before has it been so apparent that I’m happier outside in the countryside.

First little decline and incline walking with 1 crutch. I can certainly feel it on the outer hip. So just a small walk, sit down and contemplate life, listening to the subdued birdsong, feeling soft gentle raindrops and feeling lucky to feel them, while acknowledging those that no longer can.

Can’t say I’m not sad or have finished crying, as that would be a lie. But I like to come here to honour and think about her, in a more peaceful way. I do feel soothed with nature, enjoying the simplest of sights, the insects, the birds, and squirrels are all a new delight I truly appreciate, and I make sure I enjoy them all the more, being thankful I can.

When stuck indoors I am grateful for the routine of Physiotherapy, as that too focuses the mind as best as it can, while also wearing me out, so when I’m at rest I’m exhausted and more likely to sleep. It’s in our downtime our greatest sorrow comes out, so I will be using everything to distract myself for now.

Archive, Covid -19 ~ Week Seventy Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual