X-ray time, Face to Face appointment

Archive, Arthritis, Covid - 19 Week Thirty Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

So grateful they managed to get me in at such short notice. Only 7 people per day as a face to face so I’m extremely lucky for sure.

Had a good time set in the afternoon, so we could set off at leisure.

Upon arriving I had to remove my own mask, and put on a medical one, hand sanitise and walk up to the department I needed.

Most seats have been removed, only around 8 seats available in waiting room for x-ray.

In preparation of an x-ray I wore leggings so I don’t have to strip off, making sure I have no metal anywhere where they are xraying, that way I’m loads faster for them. Literally a min or two.

This time they used a metal ball between my legs, not sure why. Maybe it’s something to do with hip calibration?

This helps explain it Here

Fast as anything x-ray was done, and I just needed to speak to the consultant.

Down at this waiting room, there’s around 20 seats but only around 6 patients, and plenty of space between seats.

Sadly not my surgeon, but someone I felt comfortable we, we assessed the ROM range of movement (lack of it) Hip really painful at this point.

Xray showed some narrowing or the joint space, clearly indicating arthritis, but an MRI is needed to confirm, along with CT Scan. Then I can confirm and go on the waiting list.

Feeling very relieved and immensely grateful the ball is rolling, and I’ve had a head start too.

The Rumps Walk

Archive, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid - 19 Week Thirty Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

Another windy day, but we don’t really mind, as honestly it makes us giggle, and have so much fun all day.

This time we are doing a walk called The Rumps.

Wrapped up well and wearing the right clothes, it makes the weather all the more exciting and interesting. Had to start using a walking pole following Tintagel incident.

Stunning views and some lovely people we met along the way. Waves crashing and spraying, it was amazingly exhilarating.

I could really imagine living here and having this on my doorstep, but I also know it’s not that practical, and it’s just a dream, but a girl can dream.

We were totally blessed with another double rainbow, this is the reward for having slightly drizzly rain and glorious sunshine.