And it’s my Birthday!!

Been a bit of a lazy ole week since last week’s post. I’ve had too. Mainly due to recovering from camping and the leg cramps I’ve had took some time to ease off too. The cramps themselves have really hindered things, as they not only hurt for the few minutes while it’s contracted, but they were also tender and weak for the next 24-48 hours afterwards too. I must ask Micats if I should be worried about them when I see her next week.

We’ve also assisted our eldest in some of the house move journeys, and a dose of babysitting too. Which is like a workout I tell you, kids run you ragged. My body can barely keep up.

Quad Stretch 30 sec hold each day, both sides.
The tightness is unreal, perhaps this has been my main problem overall the whole time. I find I can’t do it standing up as most can. So lying down on my side helps.

Child pose, I enjoy this quad and back stretch, 30 sec hold each day.
Counting down the days until I get my steroid injections into my thumbs, looking forward to it while dreading it at the same time. Bloody hurts, but hoping it will take me up to Christmas time, and hopefully surgery time then. Not long now to wait only a week from now.

Rang the ROH for some guidance on when appointments will be and it seems for my 1year appointment and post steroid injection check up will be mid Sept so quite late really. And for the Hand Surgeon I’m already overdue in appointment but the waiting list to be seen is quite long too, but at least I’m on the list. Shame as I was hoping for a winter surgery, that may not be possible.

Arthritis, Hip replacement

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