Hippie Woes

Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Fifty Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

Still having untold issues with the left hip, I’m forever trying to keep it in decent condition while finely balancing it with not doing too much.

As it’s so easy to aggravate it and I can barely move. Seem to do more damage just pottering around the house, probably because it involves more bending and twisting.

Some basics I like to do, to keep legs moving are.

Ankle Pumps

Sit or lie with legs supported,Pedal your ankles up and down. Keep the knee as straight as possible, do for 1min

Thigh Squeezes, push down

Lie on your back, with legs as straight as possible. Pull toes and foot up towards you, while pushing the thigh muscle down, feel the stretch at the front of hip. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat for 10 reps.

Heel raises in lying

Lying down with supported legs, place a rolled up towel under one knee. Pull the foot towards you and straighten the knee as much as possible. Hold for 3 seconds and repeat for 10 reps.

Heel slides (use a bag or magazine)

Legs fully supported while lying down, keep the heel in full contact with the bed. Slide the foot up towards the buttocks, bending the hip and knee. Hold for 3 seconds and go down slowly. Use Some thing to reduce friction and use of glide under foot.

Buttock (Butt) Squeeze

Lying or standing up, gently squeeze the bum cheeks together, Hold for 3 seconds and repeat for 10 reps.


Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the bed. Squeeze your buttock muscles together, and gently lift yourself upwards, off the bed and as high as you can. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly lower, repeat for 10 reps. (Still my most hated)

1 Week Post Steroid injection in Lt, Rt Thumbs

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Fifty Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

Crikey how fast has this week flown, shows you it’s not been all that bad, which is nice to write.

Day 3 Friday

Woke up feeling pretty good, almost normal in fact, the only reminder is when I go to grab something, I’ll get a sting, or it’s tender to touch.

But overall pain has gone. Trying to just have paracetamol today, and have some time without splints.

Tried to do some food prep, but it smarted and stung a bit, so I retreated and put compression gloves on to settle them down.

Day 4 Saturday

Had a few side effects such as cold sweats, and sleep disruption, weird moods. But I’m only taking paracetamol at the moment for the hands. With gel though too.

Accidently knocked the end of my thumb, which jarred the left (my worse thumb) so that has flared up pain a lot. Resting and splinting to help with pain.

Bonus though today a friend sent me these to stop velcro sticking to my jumper sleeves, hair, and literally everything else. Fabulous covers to stop braces and splints getting filthy too. Highly recommend, light weight and when worn with jumpers it hides the brace.

Funky Covers Uk

Day 5 Sunday

Had all weekend in the Sturdier splints, as they allow the wrist more movement. I had wanted to start some hand physio, but seeing how easy it is to undo it, I think I will wait a bit longer.

Though I did straighten my hair, which was hugely difficult but I managed it. After that I thought it wise to rest them.

I’ll be honest it’s like this today, elbows and ankles have decided it’s their turn to be awful. So I’m covered in freeze gel, and compression sleeves.

Day 6 Monday

Yeah managed a good night’s sleep and with naked hands too. Wrapped a few presents and wrote in cards, I could actually hold a pen with no pain.

When they get tired it starts to ache, but it’s a dull ache. Compared to blinding pain I’m happy with that.

Day 7 Tuesday

Omg it’s so nice to be able to brush my teeth without that pain, how cool is that.

Splint wearing is not as needed, and it’s just dull aches when I’ve over used them. Really impressed at the moment. Hope it lasts for a long time.