Keeping Occupied

Archive, Blogger Reviews, Events, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Forty Five, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

It’s a drag, and I’ll be honest it’s getting harder to entertain myself, mainly because my hand pain is getting worse, so usual pastimes aren’t open to me. And hip is so constantly unstable, I can’t walk like I used too either. I’m feeling trapped and depressed.

So I’ve recently dived into getting my spiritual side back, to be more mindful and positive, as let’s be honest it’s been a year of sheer anxiety, stress and anger.

So a little book on moon magic as love the moon, it never fails to nourish my soul. A herbal green witch book, as herbalist courses have really pipped my interest. And a witch’s self care, as we all need some of that.

I also bought this, to help connect my general day to day to the moon phases.

The cards are a little treat as they are normal playing cards but by Patrick Valenza, the artwork is exquisite.

A good reminder to myself that even the devil needs to rest.

So while pain occupies my every thought, I’m going to distract myself with my Tarot and Reading. Roll on whenever hospitals are reopened for folks like me.

Imbolc 2021

Archive, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Forty Five, Family Adventures, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual


What is Imbolc, well it’s a rather lesser known pagan holiday, Imbolc Sabbat falls exactly halfway between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostara). Its the perfect way to countdown from Christmas and count towards Easter.

Daylight is increasing (price how it’s not as dark at teatime) and signs of spring is the air. While too early and bit too cold for planting gardens, However Imbolc is a time to start thinking about what you wanted to plant and harvest in the coming year. We have some gothic flowers I’d like to give a go to this year, though I confess I’m not Greenfingered.

In modern times how we celebrate Imbolc and the quiet weeks post holiday season is a great time to reflect and think about where you want to go in the coming months. Its a perfect time to Spring clean, shift new energies into starting new things, and shrugging off the old winter habits.


Imbolc means “in the belly” Makes you think of Lambing season, as its so closely tied to the Farmers year.

Here we celebrate the pagan Celtic goddess Brigid (Bride) who is the goddess of inspiration and creativity, healing, smith craft and poetry. In ancient times.

Imbolc was celebrated as a time to reaffirm your life and to maybe start thinking about the coming harvest season, things you’d like to let go and new things to start or to attract.

As the religion of Christianity spread from Rome to northern Europe and the British Isles Imbolc was adopted as Candlemass, still celebrated on February 1st and 2nd.


To help celebrate the Sabbat we can use different Magickal correspondences.

Colors: Such as White, Red, Pink, Black, but I personally would add yellow for spring.

Foods: Baked goods, winter vegetables, seeds, dried fruit, butter, milk, cheese, lamb, mutton, Sounds like hearty casserole or stews would be perfect.

Stones: Amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise, though my clear quartz never fails me.

Symbols: candles, cauldron, chalice, cow, sheep, swan, I feel more drawn to the lambs, and snowdrops as they sum up the Sabbat for me.

Flowers & Plants: Snowdrops, angelica, basil, bay laurel, celandine, such beautiful flowers out at this time

Deities: Brighid (Bride), Aphrodite, Eros, Hestia


Since Imbolc is post christmas holiday, it is a great time to embrace simple and more natural celebrations.

  • Have a candlelight dinner, or just a snuggle up with great food and movies.

  • Create meals with intention for what you want to accomplish in the coming year, get into baking and bake love into biscuits and cakes.

  • Light your favourite candles, set up your altar (or fireplace) with items that make you think of spring.

  • Take time to meditate or journal in your candlelit room, I use YouTube guided meditations and soundtracks.

  • Take some time to go outside and enjoy the lengthening days and increased sunlight, I think this is the one we will do mostly.