Surgery Ready!! Or Am I??

Health, Hips, Hypermobility, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

After another Xray appointment recently 17th Oct to be exact, I’m officially on the waiting list for the screw removal. Though I saw a line in the xray, where the bone has been healing, and from conversations with O’Hara before he has always stated he would not remove the Metal while he saw a Line. But this Registrar was happy enough to put me on the waiting list now, I wasn’t too concerned as I know even though I’m on the waiting list it would be at least 12weeks before the date would be. Thus giving the Leg another 3mths of healing time and that line would be gone by then.

But then shock horror a few days later I was offered a cancellation date, for today!! But as I’m writing this you can probably tell I didn’t take it. Why? Normally I would of jumped at the chance, especially as I have a date with Theo Paphitis end of Jan 2015, surely a date not to miss!! Nor do I want to be on crutches or a walking stick if possible. All that would be gone if I just took this date. So why did I turn down the date?!

Simply I had doubts, doubts from seeing the line in the bone, hearing O’Hara’s voice ringing in my ears, that he would rather be safe than sorry, And because if anything had happened, I couldn’t and wouldn’t forgive myself for accepting a date while feeling so doubtful and nervous, when I’m normally confident and looking forward to the Surgery Date.

So it’s been turned down, and I know it may interfere with the date with Theo Paphitis, But I know it’s the right decision. Now it’s time to do more physio, trying to get fitter, stronger and more stamina, for when I do have the surgery I am in by far better shape and health for it. I’m currently 22lbs down and feeling so much more like my old self pre hip saga!! who know’s what another 3 mths can do for me physically and mentally.

So Spoonie Hugs and Happy Hippie Healing to you all xx