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This week I’ve seen my Physiotherapist and I’ve been able to show him that I’ve done my worksheet exercises seen Here and though it’s not plain sailing I have felt some progress. But I haven’t managed to do 2 sets yet, instead I increased to 15reps so at least that’s something.

I’ve added some hip bridges into my routine, which I’ve been getting on with fine.

So far doing 1 set of 15reps alternate days

I find the mini squat behind a chair alright, so I’ve now changed it to a more challenging squat. Now I’m in front with my good leg ahead of bad leg, so weight goes through the bad leg only. Again 15 reps on alternative days.

Still using this stretch as I find it the most difficult. Therefore the most needed stretch. Knee to chest and let other leg dangle over bed.

This stretch above still hurts to lift the operated leg, so any hip flexion just feels so difficult.

I’ve started to do Hip Flexion exercise as well, but again I’m finding this immensely difficult and painful. As above 15 reps on alternative days.

Archive, Arthritis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

Those new exercises I was given last week, are actually a killer, no matter how basic they look. Looks are deceiving that’s for sure!!

The aim was to do 10 reps of each exercise and do 2 to 3 sets of them, alternate days. Well I’ve only been doing 10 reps for 1 set on alternate days. It’s too much to add another set for now. But maybe if I keep at it consistently, then it will build up enough to manage a second set.

Most of the exercises feel reasonable kind of aches. And I am grateful for doing them alternative days, rather than daily. But the knee to chest stretch is so so difficult, and it really flares up the psoas. Trying to trust the process that it will get easier over time.

I have now filled this blogs entire media allowance, so I either have to delete old posts, or photos. (Which I don’t want to do as they chronicle my entire hip dysplasia journey.) Or start a new free blog, so I have. You can find me at

So please go and follow that new blog, as this one will be shelved. And I don’t want to lose my wonderful friends I’ve made here. Hope to see you there, if not then thank you for being here and reading so far. Thank you for everything!!

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

Finally got my paperwork exercises come through, and I’m honestly a little downhearted at how basic they are, it feels like I’m at square one at times.

But I do trust his opinion, and I can see why I’ve been out onto these. As surely good form basic ones done alternate days is better than doing none at all, because it keeps flaring up?! I think so..

First off we have the Mini Squat, so stand tall with hip feet width apart. Have support if needed (I will do) Squat down by sitting back, Return to the starting position. Note Keep Hips, Knees and Toes Aligned, Keep weight evenly on your whole foot, Chest up and trunk almost upright. Repeat 5 to 10 reps in 2 to 3 sets. Every other day.

Standing Hip Extension with support. Transfer your weight slightly forward and using your buttock muscles lift your leg back. Return the leg to starting position. Repeat 5 to 10 reps in 2 to 3 sets. Every other day.

Sitting Chair Leg Lift, Lift your leg up off the seat keeping the knee bent. Return to the starting position. (So no longer pushing down on it, a simpler version) Repeat 5 to 10 reps in 2 to 3 sets. Every other day.

Modified Clam with Hips 90 degrees. Start by lying on your side with your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees. Take support with your hand on the floor in front of you. Press your hand against the floor and lift your upper side slightly. Keep your feet together and turn from your hip to lift the knee upwards. Keeping the pelvis still. In a controlled manner, lower the knee back down. Feel the muscles in the side of your buttocks working. Repeat 5 to 10 reps in 2 to 3 sets. Every other day.

Lying on your Back, Knee to chest stretch. Bend the leg to be stretched towards your chest and hold onto the knee with both arms. Pull your knee towards your chin keeping your head on the floor. You should feel stretching on the back of your thighs and buttock. Hold for approx 20 seconds. Repeat on both sides X 5 reps. Every other day.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

Umph it’s been a long slog to get here, trying to put off steroid injections so they can be assessed in their natural state. It’s a shame the hand surgeon hasn’t got to see them, but forever hopeful it won’t be long.

So it’s back to the hospital today and get them assessed and checked, hopefully see if they can refer me to a rheumatologist as I still haven’t had bloods taken for many years. I’m hoping I’ll get to have new gloves and splints, but not sure if I’m dreaming, and they can’t do that.

I was given new exercises and told to ditch my old ones, now that the thumb on the right hand has collapsed in 2 joints. 

I also was given new splints as mine are no longer working. New compression gloves and an oval 8 ring too. I felt seen and heard for once. The second opinion I’m seeking was highly recommended by this therapist, to explore possible fusion, or implants.

Didn’t and couldn’t get a rheumatologist referral so it’s something I need to chase via gps or micats. The delaying of steroid injections is encouraged as they are fastly collapsing the bones, and speeding up the deformity. Hard to delay as when you get some pain relief however short, is bliss.

All in all it felt great to be seen and assessed, to be helped rather than medically gaslit as usual.

I was advised on lots of gadgets and gizmos to help me be independent and safe around the home.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

I can’t believe it’s been 5 weeks since I was last here!! That’s crazy, time really does seem to be whizzing by, and other things seem to taking my attention more than the hip. Which is good in a way, as it means I’m naturally moving on from being acutely affected day to day.

However it’s also bad as it means I’m not truly focusing on healing and improving this nagging psoas issue. But that’s the devil of having more than 1 health issue, going on in your life. Sometimes you have to choose to rest when you don’t want too, and to focus on other joints as they hurt worse. And that’s definitely been me lately.

On demonstrating my ability to hip hitch lying down, it was decided it’s too weak to progress to standing version. I showed my knee to chest, requiring to use my hands to fetch the leg. This is a massive set back, so we’ve discussed hydrotherapy while land physio is causing such pain. But there’s a heck of a wait for that yet. So in the meantime I’m to go back to hip hitching lying down, and knee to chest stretch on the bed.

I showed them how the Right hip that’s 3yrs old is also suffering, so I’ve been given the stretch above to try and help ease the pains off.

So it felt a little disappointing, but the plan is for him to devise me a full physio routine and he will post it to me, and do that for 4 weeks, then go back to see if any improvement has been made. And then do the checklist for hydro at that appointment.

Functionally I feel ok, but to do steps, stairs or lift the leg I am struggling a lot, so I will do exactly as I’m told and hope it helps.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

Even though the Hand Surgeon appointment was cancelled, I still have a full week of hospitals, and doctors. First we have Physiotherapy at Cannock Hospital, to check on progress and discuss anything else. Then it’s Smear test day on Wednesday and Thursday I’m back to Cannock Hospital for Occupational therapy.

Which will mean staying in this week and potently no big walk. So instead it’s a bone cleaning week. ie pop them into some biological washing powder for a good amount of time, before scrubbing with a wire brush.

On a local small walk we found some feathers as well, so need to clean them up ready for our Steampunk hat. They will look perfect.

And we also picked up a lot of broken glass and ropes from either climbers or bivvy set ups, and took them away to bin, and fluff up the ground to make sure the tiny glad shards were buried. We’ve recently been collecting rubbish from walks when we can.

We also found hints of secret local witches which makes my heart sing. Spotted some pentagrams over the water.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

I’ve had such issues and flares lately with my hands, and the only thing keeping me going, was knowing I was seeing Mr Craigen soon at Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.

And as I was just on the final countdown and a few days away, I got the call that it’s been cancelled, and will be rescheduled soon but with Mr Brewster. Not sure why, or what’s caused the change in specialist either, I just hope it’s not too long a wait.

Least I have an appointment with occupational therapist later this week, so I’m hoping for maybe new gloves or splints. Maybe this will help me cope while I wait for an new appointment.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

Physio just isn’t feeling good or easy right now, but it’s not really a hip replacement issue. More it’s an overall Ehlers Danlos Syndrome issue, as it’s affecting my elbows, shoulders and hands. However the walk I shared previously felt great in the newest hip, but I weirdly overdid the older one??

I’ve decided to avoid the knee to chest, while it’s so angry, swollen and irritated.

Hopefully little but often will help, but my main focus is on walking and keeping form. I’m only noticing my leg length difference when I’m tired and the Trendelenburg gait comes out. I looked back at my original hip at this stage and whoa they are wildly different. Check it out Here

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Two, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

We’ve all struggled over the anxiety and stress of covid the last 2years, having restrictions, rules and lockdowns. And now as they was easing, and hope was returning, we are now plunged into another crisis with the prospect of full on war between Russia and the world due to their invasion of Ukraine.

And while I don’t want to dismiss it, I don’t have any desire to focus on it either, in order to protect my own mental health. So it’s good to step away from the news, and from social media, and breathe in nature, nice and deeply.

This week is a particularly tough week emotionally with grief ever present, and physically as I’ve had some of the worst pain and flares to deal with, barely sleeping due to pain in my hands. It’s hard to look after yourself when you feel so low and exhausted, and I’m sure pain feels worse when you are emotional, and fatigued.

So be gentle with yourselves and step back from things that stress you out, of you feel anxiety creeping, take time to listen to podcasts of guided meditations, or asmr videos if they relax you. Run a bubble bath and have a pamper session with a sheet mask. I’ve been watching some guilty pleasure TV A Discovery of Witches, a way to escape into something whimsical. Sometimes even an afternoon murder mystery film and a coffee with biscuits is all I need to help re-centre myself and allow the mind to be more present.

Archive, Arthritis, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred One, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement