Well it’s flying by, but I’ve felt like I’m not really getting anywhere fast, especially in the pain department, and the psoas.

But I’ve had some success with the psoas stretch and isometric exercise seen Here

To add to these I’ve done small additions.

Obviously I work both sides, it makes sense to keep things even, and mobile. Once up the Step I feel ok, it’s the initial lifting of the leg. So very small amount of Reps and only a few times a week for now.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

Well not sure I regret it exactly, but we did a walk that showed me my limitations, and I have really suffered since!

But it’s cold, far far colder than I was prepared for, even though I wore tights. That was a mistake in itself as the seams on the toes rubbed me.

Neither of us really remembered the path or route, so it threw up challenges we weren’t prepared for,so Mr Moon had to manually lift my leg in places, or I had to crawl in a fashion to get by.

It took me so long to do the shortest amount that the sun was setting and twilight was fast approaching. I have never felt pain like it!! I think being so careful over mud made me tense up, and I over worked my hips. This will need some serious bed rest to help me recover along with lots of tramadol.

Though my ability was pushed passed, when I look at photos I still look back fondly as its glorious countryside, and stunning views.

Archive, Arthritis, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Travel

This appointment came out the blue, but I’m so grateful I have one. To be able to discuss my worries with the surgeon, is a huge weight off my shoulders. Rather than wait until August this year.

Up nice and early and of course wearing my Tee from Here as I always do, my tradition now. And if I’m really lucky I will manage to see my friend, who also has an appointment today.

And boy didn’t I need her there too!! She helped while away the hours waiting. Plus it felt so nice to have someone there, to weigh up options with, From someone that knows what psoas issues are like.

Not quite sure what I desire from the appointment, but perhaps an x-ray, and maybe a discussion on leg length, and now the inflammation of the iliopsoas muscle. Oh and ask what is that metal bit on the x-ray!!

Finally discovered after Registrar’s gaslighting me for years, that I have a broken off needle, in my right hip. Which also means it’s been there for 3yrs!! Got my answer at long last.

I had a new x-ray, totally forgot to take a photo though 🤦🏻‍♀️. Though to be fair it looks exactly like the one previously

We discussed a steroid injection for the psoas, it’s a 6 month wait, so I’m down on the waiting list. And the leg length is still a watch and wait for another 6 months too, so they will at least happen around the same time. Though it’s frustrating to wait, I am trying to trust the process, and give it my all.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

Not really sure what I’m hoping for, but at least I hope I will have new xrays to see how far it’s advanced from last year’s x-rays.

Unfortunately this appointment was a DISASTER!! First they lost my notes. 30 mins extra wait, No x-rays given. And when discussing the hand he again said he can’t offer any surgery for 5-10 years until my lax joints are no longer lax.

So I’ve come out feeling lost, frustrated and annoyed. The pain can be horrendous, I can no longer do any crafts I used too, and even writing is hard as the bones knock. I asked about a splint, but he said just buy more.

So I’m definitely going to find a second opinion, as I know different surgeons offer different styles of surgery. Unfortunately this one only does a trapeziectomy, and his feeling is my soft tissues will not hold the thumb in place. But perhaps another can offer to fuse the thumb, so it’s not relying on soft tissue? Worth an ask.

Let’s hope a second opinion won’t take too long to get.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility