#Blogmas Winter Solstice Great Conjunction

Archive, Blogmas 2020, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Thirty Nine, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

What an extra special Yule, not of do we have our Winter Solstice where we have our shortest day and longest night, signalling the days will grow and grow a little more each day.

Giving us hope the winter is ending, well 6 weeks until Imbolc 2nd Feb when our new life returns, shown in snowdrops, saplings. We count this day as the first winter day in astronomical terms, counting towards midsummer June 21st

But this year we also have a ‘Christmas Star ‘ as the planet’s align for us.

Jupiter and Saturn join together and form one big Star. Though they come close every 20yrs or so, it’s not like this, and this hasn’t been seen since 1623!! so it’s a once in a lifetime sight.

We also have Saturnalia celebrated on the 17th December so all in all its a Magickal time. Saturnalia would be celebrated with a weeks long orgy of debauchery and sin. Nowadays I think we all just settle for some Sloe Gin and mince pies.