Scared Myself

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Fifty Nine, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

I’ve had to stop some physio, in fear that the replaced hip isn’t liking it.

Had an awful Friday 14th May, where my hands and elbows and shoulders were in a world of pain, and I was sat contemplating actually how many body parts I need!!

But the following morning I got my 1st Replaced hip incident. I hinged at the hips and bent to put rubbish in the bin, felt a shift (But no noise or pain) and then suddenly it felt like giving way.

Now I have visions that it’s loosening or has moved.

I can’t walk, it feels like lightening like sciatica so gives way. I’m nursing it for now with rest rest rest and hot water bottles, with a view to ringing the Hospital if it doesn’t improve.

Embracing the child inside

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Fifty Nine, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

Since starting our walks, and outings into nature, it’s done wonders for my mental health.

To step away from the vastly toxic unsocial media, has had me embracing child like wonder over what is out there, waiting to be discovered.

This particular walk really captured that essence. We started with eating a Dandelion, we even tried a Gorse flower too, thanks to Kate Humble the night before!! Taste like tomato yet in summer they are meant to taste like coconut, so I will be testing that out.

Anyways back to the walk, it honestly had it all. A beautiful hermits cave with Christ carved inside.

A random stone circle we never knew was on the walk, was a perfect Beltane surprise.

Watching climbers and boulderers out and enjoying outside,really lent though memories long passed where you could climb anything and everything. Alas I am no longer flexible nor strong enough. But Mr Moon is.

Caves to explore and hide in, the energies felt amazing up here, all alone we had the place to ourselves.

Felt like I was part of Enid Blyton story, with pirates or smugglers involved it was hard to pull ourselves away, from such a magickal place.

Views for days, that I could never get bored of. The friendliest of people too, so many smiles, waves and chats!! Don’t get that in the town’s anymore.

Came away from this completely revitalised mentality and ready to come back again!! If this is all I can do while I suffer indoors the rest of the week, then I accept. Better to have 1 Magickal day with masses of painkillers, and pay for it for the other 6 days of not being able to move.