Traditionally a MTB place, we are off to hunt waterfalls that Mr Moon has seen on his Biking days. I’ve never been here so it’s all new for me.

We had the first part of the day back on Barmouth beach, having our breakfast porridge pot, and first coffee looking out to sea. It was heavenly and much warmer than the previous day.

After feeling like I’d had too much sun, as I do have a sun allergy. We headed to the woods, a perfect place to get some shade, though it was cooling off as it was 2pm. We planned a small walk and have our pot noodles near the river.

We finished around tea time, and it was time to get off home. Feeling good we were driving in the golden hour we felt we had no cares in the world. Until the A458 and there was a fire in the middle of the road, so that caused a huge 40min detour. But home by 9pm we were exhausted but thrilled to have had such a lovely adventure.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel

We managed to get a walk in before this hectic week staying in for hospital appointments, and what an epic walk it was!!

The only non rainy day we snatched it while we could, so it’s 9 days after the previous walk, so hoping the Right hip behaves, but we made sure that it had no Stiles and not much elevation.

We wandered off our track hunting out a stone, and we got more than we bargained for. Discussing adders and how we never see them, Mr Moon only nearly stood on one!!

And then luckily we didn’t disturb him too much and proceeded to run into a herd of Deer. Thank goodness the wind was blowing towards us, so we managed to see them well.

We sat and ate cheese and onion sandwiches, drank a beer and thoroughly loved seeing the views and people walking, we even caught a glimpse of a fighter jet, certainly heard it first!! This has to be one of the best walks ever!!

Managed to see small waterfalls, I was sad I hadn’t brought my crystals to cleanse, but we didn’t expect water on this route. We ended the day with Mr Moon taking a photo for a couple, as he’s a good one like that.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

We had a really good break, since our late trip out. The weather stated it was warmer, we picked a flatter area, and mission is on!!

Now there’s no various appointments, it’s been boring staying indoors. I needed some fresh air.

The path is muddy, but more claggy sticky mud than slippy. The path winds down around the River Wye. Watching dippers bob up and down, dipping into the water, Heron taking off, looking like a Pterodactyl.

The day is amazing with blue skies, a little wind, and some warmth in the sun. We took it all very slowly and with maximum tablets, and pole. I’ve noticed I scramble too, often using my hands and grabbing things to steady myself, rocks, fence posts, walls. No wonder I have upper body aches too.

Warm pot noodle made dinner good fuel to keep us warm. Mentally this day out has been invaluable. Bodily I won’t be moving for a long time, but worth it.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel

Following our disaster walk, we’ve not been lately and I’ve missed it more than I thought possible!!

The early morning, the mission and fresh air, is actually more enjoyable than you think. But the hips have needed the break, and that energy did need to go to hospital appointments instead.

The pain and discomfort for the week afterwards does seem worth it, when you are trapped at home. So while I admit I did need a break, I hope to go again soon. My mental health is much better when we go for a walk.

Knowing we can’t travel unless endless tests, quarantine, and vaccines does mess with your psyche, so it’s nice to get boots on and feel free, deep breaths of countryside air, and watch the wildlife go about their day, and forget your troubles. And boy don’t we all have had mental health through all the last few years?

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Six, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

I’m starting to feel where and when the limitations appear in the hip, which means I’m also improving, not in traditional physio, which is still unbelievably difficult, but in walking.

I changed my shoe lift to a soft barely there one, and the lurch and rocking between the two heights was far more pronounced than previously, but at least it didn’t ache my foot arch.

I did my first hike as a double hippie and posted it Here and though I was broken for days (nearly a week) afterwards, barely moving for pain. The wonders it did on my mind was unreal. So clearly I am keen to build upon that.

My actual physio appointment is next week, so this week we decided to try a hike again. Lower and more flat and stable paths, as I hadn’t truly healed perfectly. But slapping on as much ibuprofen gel my leg could handle, taking my 3 tramadol and 6 paracetamol (throughout the day) we wrapped up and headed out.

This time the temperature was a lot lower, and this proved to be the bigger issue in the hips. As I barely have feeling skinwise around both hips, I didn’t realise how cold they had got. It was -4° and they were stiff. Had to sit down far more times this hike, but that was enjoyable.

I find some movements it’s a good job I have my Mr Moon, as he has to manually lift the leg, or move the foot as I simply don’t have the strength to do it myself, or my brain signals aren’t going through. It’s a bit frustrating but at least it’s something I can forward onto the physio or surgeon in the next 2 weeks.

Getting home we spoiled ourselves with a mixed meat kebab, chips and salad. And a hot water bottle, as those hips took the rest of the night to warm up. They were painfully cold.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel

Here to mark my first true hike being a double hippie. We’d done some short walks, but nothing that involved the technical terrain like the Peak District.

Opting for a old haunt, and favourite place to walk (no river walks allowed as weather has swelled them too much) So off to Ramshaw Rocks.

We set off in gloomy foggy weather, but as we progressed into the clouds lifting, and revealing some glorious blue skies.

Some of the walk I needed to take bigger strides to avoid streams, and boggy water. Or scrambled to climb to rocks. I really put the hips to the test. I took 3 tramadol and 6 paracetamol over the entire day and night. I used a hard insole to 1cm to help leg. And used a walking pole for stability.

It wasn’t a long walk by normal standards, but HUGE for me, and it did take nearly 5 hours. But I am overjoyed with this victory. First time in 20 weeks I’ve felt such an accomplishment. I am in such pain now (home and resting with hot water bottles) but it was so worth it. Especially for the mind.

There so long we almost saw a full sunset, only fear of it being too dark to come down, made me leave earlier. I did suffer a lot of knee pain in operated leg, swelling at top of thigh (but I seem to get this at home too, whenever I lift leg) and lower back pain. All expected pains to be honest, though the level of knee pain took me by surprise.

The next day (New Year’s Day) I simply could not move or get dressed 😜 my body is so so broken. Already mentally planning the next one.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Ninety Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Travel

I’m forever grateful to be offered to go on holiday with my eldest daughter and her husband, and daughter. So me and Mr Moon are off to a place we’ve never been before. Northumberland.

A lodge that has No WIFI or network coverage, so that means no podcasts for me unless I download first lol. And some stunning scenery to soak up and distract us, as honestly it’s been hard going lately (grief just sneaks up on you and pokes the bear all the time) so distraction and occupying ourselves is what is helping at the moment.

Hoping to get some physio walks in, find some waterfalls and just ground ourselves with some big skies, stargazing and earth energies. I’ve bought some new walking boots especially for this. And I’m aiming to get to use a walking stick rather than crutch. Fingers crossed.

Archive, Arthritis, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week 85, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

Can you believe it’s been 12 weeks since my Hip Replacement? Those that read the blog will know it’s been difficult, the leg length difference to me is a HUGE hindrance.

When I saw my Micats therapist who does my steroid injections in the hand, she saw my Leg length difference and was shocked I’ve been left for a year. And proceeded to give me 2 small (only 1.5cm) shoe lifts, one soft and one hard. To try a relieve the lower back pain I’m getting, as it’s horrendous.

I tried this one for 1 day in Glastonbury and though that day I felt ok, the pain in my other hip was greatly increased so I opted to remove for the following 2 days on Glastonbury. As Micats did say to start slowly to get used to them. So 2 days of total rest at home, then it was our York getaway. So back into the right shoe only went the green one, and this time it felt normal, like it wasn’t even there. I walked straighter, and more relaxed, which in turn relieved my back pain and rib pain.

Yesterday on a gentle woodland stroll I tried the blue one for the first time, and it felt awful, really hurt my back. And I could feel it under each step. But thinking back to the first time I used the green one I felt like this, so it could get better over time. However I did feel more confident to use a walking stick instead of a crutch, so that’s a silver lining.

I have a quick getaway booked (so many little getaways all at once, timing is because so many Halloween events are on) in Northumberland with my Daughter and her family, next week so I will be testing this theory out, and taking both shoe lifts. I’m really hoping ultimately the blue will feel more normal and allow me to walk with more confidence as less of a up and down action, as that’s really annoying me.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO

There is something so lovely about just getting outside to clear the mind. Never before has it been so apparent that I’m happier outside in the countryside.

First little decline and incline walking with 1 crutch. I can certainly feel it on the outer hip. So just a small walk, sit down and contemplate life, listening to the subdued birdsong, feeling soft gentle raindrops and feeling lucky to feel them, while acknowledging those that no longer can.

Can’t say I’m not sad or have finished crying, as that would be a lie. But I like to come here to honour and think about her, in a more peaceful way. I do feel soothed with nature, enjoying the simplest of sights, the insects, the birds, and squirrels are all a new delight I truly appreciate, and I make sure I enjoy them all the more, being thankful I can.

When stuck indoors I am grateful for the routine of Physiotherapy, as that too focuses the mind as best as it can, while also wearing me out, so when I’m at rest I’m exhausted and more likely to sleep. It’s in our downtime our greatest sorrow comes out, so I will be using everything to distract myself for now.

Archive, Covid -19 ~ Week Seventy Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

First Wild Camp

Archive, Arthritis, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid -19 ~ Week Sixty Seven, Covid-19 Lockdown, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

I’ve done a lot of exciting things, but I’ve never wild camped, I’ve loved basic campsites, but this is extra special, as you are alone.

So for an amazing adventure, nestled between the euros as you cant miss that! we did a hike and camp. And it was epic!! We went from the 1st – 2nd of July. A perfect way to see in my birthday month.

We were spoilt with views pretty much straight away, and though we set off at 4pm it was boiling hot. So I huffed and puffed my way through.

First time carrying a bigger rucksack and I will say the hips hated it at first, but I got used to it. Lots of ibuprofen gel helped too.

Met a friend, the most inquisitive sheep ever. Really I think she wanted our food. Even allowed her baby to get close too.

We saw fellow wild campers along the way, hoping as they were faster that we would still have a spot.

We got a lovely spot, granted it wasn’t near the plunge pool but neither of us had swimming gear.

The view we had was spectacular, and I know most wild camp up the top, but that won’t ever be me. It’s too difficult to walk that.

Before bed I managed to fall over the guyline, and break a tooth, as well as a swollen knee. Let’s hope it’s not too bad in the morning???

Midgies loved us all night, which made sitting out a challenge. Sadly our bug off was not enough for these hungry monsters. So to the tent for bed at midnight. I loved listening to the river all night, and the birds to wake us up. I was thrilled to hear owls.

We set off at a reasonable time in the morning, hoping to beat the heat. Off to visit the mermaid pool for breakfast with a view.

Mr Moon mapping out our way to the pool, I was grateful we hadn’t done this walk yesterday, as I wouldn’t of be able too.

Knee a lot better than I thought, though it aches and is tender to the touch.

Had our breakfast here, and what a glorious view. Porridge oats just add water, they were a taste sensation.

Next we were meant to carry on upwards and after trying, I really did try. I had to admit it was beyond my capabilities and we had to go back the way we came. Traditionally we do loops, but this was too difficult so we took the easy option to backtrack.

I’m so glad we did, it felt a lot easier this way and it was a weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing I’d done that trail before therefore knew I was capable of it.

Once back down to where we camped, we stopped for a coffee and foot dip in the plunge pool, that was heavenly on hot tired feet.

We saw lizards, a toad and a super green caterpillar. We waited for the caterpillar to get to safe ground so he wouldn’t be trodden on, it attracted a fellow walker to come and look, he said thanks for showing him. I would love that, we always go super slow and from this we see so much more wildlife that many dont see. That and I look at the floor when I walk, to keep my feet steady.

Back at the reservoir, and what a view. It was honestly hard to leave, even though my joints were crying out for home.

Now home to unpack both physically and mentally, and god I best seek the dentist again about this tooth!!