7 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

It’s been a rocky week emotionally I’m not going to lie, had some highs this week, like walking in the sunshine and countryside, and some lows personally.

But we’ve made it to 7 weeks and I’m so shocked how far I’ve come physically, and how fast we’ve got here. Forgetting the ‘fake news’ of others up and running after 2-4 weeks.

I realise after seeing the Registrar yesterday that actually he was impressed with my walking, which kinda says to me he never expected me to be walking unaided yet.

Apart from sleeping on my side, I’m feeling almost back to normal. My normal though which was using a walking stick, and only being able to do short bursts of chores. But I’m pleased with that. I’m sure as each week passes now, it will get better and better.

Told to be prepared for swelling to still be around, and muscles to heal over the next 3 months at least, if not a little more. Which eases my mind that all these twinges and niggles are normal.

I’ve not took any painkillers at all for over 10days which for me is HUGE. And that makes me very happy. My hot water bottle is here to stay though.

17 thoughts on “7 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

  1. I’m on week 5 from when I broke my hip, but my total replacement surgery hasn’t been straightforward, I’ve had to have this surgery done twice, with 4 dislocations included. I’m sure, that things will get better from now onwards, touch wood. I really don’t want to have another hip dislocation, it’s agony! Sorry, I just needed to admit that. Thank You, for letting me moan about it.

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    1. Dislocation is very hard to deal with, and you’ve had more than your fair share. I’m always here to talk too, or find me on twitter.com/sirenmoonbee there to be a shoulder, an ear, or just to make you smile


  2. Hi There Had hip replacement 26 April this year. Yesyes I got to the conclusion, that do not open your ears to other people. I am in nine week know. Still have swelling. Atleast can sleep on my rightside. Can walk alone but at times need still support. Can feel the wound are still healing. My left leg abit twisted after the operation. Dont know why. Maybe it is the swelling and stifness. Was not like that before the operation. My surgeon not worried atall. Any thoughts on this? Some days up somedays off. No pain since two weeks after the operation. Which is fantastic🙏🏻 I do go to fisio twice a week. Lacy to do fisio on my own. 🙈🙈🙈🙈

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    1. I think if the surgeon isn’t worried, then I wouldn’t worry too much either, swelling definitely twist the leg a bit. I try to do physio at home as well as with a physiotherapist XX happy healing fellow hippie xx


  3. Had total hip done June 9th, and so far I think I’m doing good. I lost the walker after 2 weeks, feeling powerful, but afraid of the dislocation thing. Going back to work 🤞🏻July 23rd, nervous bc of the 3-5 mls I’ll b walking a day. Any tips or pointers you guys have to NOT get a dislocation other than the 90, x legs, and twisting (which is a big one for me)?

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    1. Just be hyper aware of what way your foot it pointing, and don’t do things to quickly. I’ve found walking great to help my speed up recovery. I have symbios implants so they are custom made so the dislocation risk is lower, but leaning over my hip in a twist is a huge no no for me, makes it feel squelchy. Happy hippie healing xx


      1. Wasn’t aware of foot positioning but definitely makes sense. Thanks so much for the tip. Happy hippie healing to you as well.

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      2. Thank you, I’m now 9mths my latest hip, and nearly 3 years other hip. Best thing I ever did was replace them, even though I’ve had leg length issues holding me back.


      3. Yes I feel like I have about a 1 1/2-2 in difference. I wasn’t sure if that would change at all over time or not. Hoping it does anyway.

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