87 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Twenty Three, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, Hip replacement

Do you notice that dreaded flare once a month?

Well there’s a good reason for that, namely it’s all in the HORMONES

Many young women that have inflammatory arthritis, including psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, They will discuss flares in their symptoms when they have their period.

The Hormone such as estrogen has an influence on the immune system. The relationship of flares in arthritis symptoms at the time of menstruation is also due to the effects of pain perception which is related to estrogen.

When estrogen levels are low, women report more pain. In clinical trials, those given a placebo without estrogen have more joint pain than those given estrogen. Thus, the lower levels of estrogen during menstruation may be a cause of the increase in joint pain that many women with arthritis report.

Of course not only am I affected by #Arthritis I also have #EhlersDanlosSyndrome which not only increases the pain levels, but makes the joints highly unstable. So I frequently dislocate, and sublux various joints, such as Shoulders, Elbows, Thumbs, Middle Finger and of course HIPS!!

When a flare up happens for me, I’m all braces for thumbs, compression sleeves for fingers and elbows.

Hot water bottles and foam roller for shoulders,

and hot water bottle for hips. And a reminder to be gentle with myself and know it will pass.

Let’s hope it passes soon. I’m feeling rather broken and useless.

Cmc Joint Pain

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Twenty Three, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

How this year has dragged, no decent treatment as zero face to face appointments, took me 4 months of begging and pleading to finally get a steady supply of paracetamol and diclofenac gel.

The hand (my left non dominant hand) looks unremarkable but inside it feels like Lightening bolts when I try to turn a tap, or plug in my phone.

Or lately I’ve been getting a dull gnawing pain that stops you sleeping, and makes you want to axe off your own limbs to escape the pain.

I’ve been getting a lot of pain also in the MCP areas but alas I have no one to tell, well yet. Sort of playing this one by ear, strapping and compressing this area whenever I can.

I’ve also felt it start to creep into elbows and shoulders, is it arthritis or is it ehlers danlos syndrome?? Who knows and without any guidance or advice I have no idea how to deal with it. I’m literally compressing, icing, gel every body part, and taking meds to cope!!

I’m falling apart… wonder if it’s the changing season and moisture levels? Uhhmmm

Beach Day

Archive, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Twenty Three, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

How is it, the Beach and Sea feeds your soul? Does it for you too? It really does for us, so I’m surprised we don’t live nearer to one.

No matter, a day trip is always a good idea, so off we go, plans are afoot for a quick day out at Barmouth.

Strangely the journey is immensely tiring on the body though, so once we’ve gathered out things, and set up. It’s time for lunch, well prepared as we are seasoned campers, it’s pot noodles with a view!!

Never have pot noodles tasted so good. Warm bellies thank goodness as the weather took a turn, and a chill arrived. But no matter it’s still a delight to be here.

The waves gently crashing, the sounds of children playing, kites flying high. This is what we came for. The last throes of summer. It’s feeling a touch autumnal but I’m trying to eek out the last summer’s day.

Warmed ourselves up with a nice hot coffee after the beers made us feel cold.

Then off for fish and chips which is a seaside tradition.

Spotted a wee tiny sun dog, as well as thunderous black clouds lol

One side sunny, one side black heavy clouds, thankfully never got any rain though.

After tea, with a weak sun shinning we had to paddle and watch the sun go down

And it was time to say goodbye. We had a totally relaxing, lazy Sunday. Gazed longingly at the mountains that surround Barmouth, Smiled wistfully at the Sun, and told the Sea our secrets. We are lucky we can connect to nature in such a simple way. Makes you feel whole again.

All elements are balanced at the Seaside, Earth = Sand, Water = Sea, Fire = Sunshine, Air = The Sea Breeze.