We studied weather apps, we mapped out places to go, and weighed up pros and cons of each place, and settled on Barmouth!! To the beach it is…

So alarm clock set, we are off on a road trip. Packed enough stuff for breakfast, dinner and hope to eat tea out, you have to eat fish and chips at the beach!!

I had #Wytchwood beer, a new beach shelter and a lovely book to keep me occupied while Mr Moon went paddle boarding.

We managed to get fish and chips for us both, and sneak back to the beach to watch the sun go down and leave us with a dramatic colourful sky. It felt so glorious to bask, and relax in the sunshine, to watch people, dogs and children all enjoy the simplest pleasures in life. Shattered we find a place to sleep, and I fell asleep so quickly. More adventures for another day to come.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel

Beach Day

Archive, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Twenty Three, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

How is it, the Beach and Sea feeds your soul? Does it for you too? It really does for us, so I’m surprised we don’t live nearer to one.

No matter, a day trip is always a good idea, so off we go, plans are afoot for a quick day out at Barmouth.

Strangely the journey is immensely tiring on the body though, so once we’ve gathered out things, and set up. It’s time for lunch, well prepared as we are seasoned campers, it’s pot noodles with a view!!

Never have pot noodles tasted so good. Warm bellies thank goodness as the weather took a turn, and a chill arrived. But no matter it’s still a delight to be here.

The waves gently crashing, the sounds of children playing, kites flying high. This is what we came for. The last throes of summer. It’s feeling a touch autumnal but I’m trying to eek out the last summer’s day.

Warmed ourselves up with a nice hot coffee after the beers made us feel cold.

Then off for fish and chips which is a seaside tradition.

Spotted a wee tiny sun dog, as well as thunderous black clouds lol

One side sunny, one side black heavy clouds, thankfully never got any rain though.

After tea, with a weak sun shinning we had to paddle and watch the sun go down

And it was time to say goodbye. We had a totally relaxing, lazy Sunday. Gazed longingly at the mountains that surround Barmouth, Smiled wistfully at the Sun, and told the Sea our secrets. We are lucky we can connect to nature in such a simple way. Makes you feel whole again.

All elements are balanced at the Seaside, Earth = Sand, Water = Sea, Fire = Sunshine, Air = The Sea Breeze.