After the first day or so it really got off to an amazing start. Finally feeling really painfree, and just wearing gloves at night. But I have a naughty right hand, that decided at week 1 to get painful again. But not often or constant, so still an improvement.

As we’ve been away to Glastonbury camping, and then 2 days away in a hotel in York, this poor hand has carried all my weight via a crutch. So is it any wonder it’s now hurting.

Really I think I need more splints, but I’m still waiting to be seen, as my gloves and splints are falling apart after a couple of years usage.

Had a few days not using a crutch and the right thumb has really settled down, so that has put my mind at rest, it’s sore from over use, rather than steroid not working.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

Can you believe it’s been 12 weeks since my Hip Replacement? Those that read the blog will know it’s been difficult, the leg length difference to me is a HUGE hindrance.

When I saw my Micats therapist who does my steroid injections in the hand, she saw my Leg length difference and was shocked I’ve been left for a year. And proceeded to give me 2 small (only 1.5cm) shoe lifts, one soft and one hard. To try a relieve the lower back pain I’m getting, as it’s horrendous.

I tried this one for 1 day in Glastonbury and though that day I felt ok, the pain in my other hip was greatly increased so I opted to remove for the following 2 days on Glastonbury. As Micats did say to start slowly to get used to them. So 2 days of total rest at home, then it was our York getaway. So back into the right shoe only went the green one, and this time it felt normal, like it wasn’t even there. I walked straighter, and more relaxed, which in turn relieved my back pain and rib pain.

Yesterday on a gentle woodland stroll I tried the blue one for the first time, and it felt awful, really hurt my back. And I could feel it under each step. But thinking back to the first time I used the green one I felt like this, so it could get better over time. However I did feel more confident to use a walking stick instead of a crutch, so that’s a silver lining.

I have a quick getaway booked (so many little getaways all at once, timing is because so many Halloween events are on) in Northumberland with my Daughter and her family, next week so I will be testing this theory out, and taking both shoe lifts. I’m really hoping ultimately the blue will feel more normal and allow me to walk with more confidence as less of a up and down action, as that’s really annoying me.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Four, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY, Triple Pelvic Ost, Femoral Ost, PAO