Muddy Shoes Smiley Faces

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Forty Eight, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

It’s been bone achingly cold outside, but we have still managed to get outside, have some good mental health moments to keep us sane in this crazy ass world.

Muddy times, Frozen times it all ends the same way. Cobwebs blown through our stresses and anxieties, leaving behind a carefree attitude and cheeks aching from laughing so much.

This should be a medicine, as it does wonders for you. Alas hip pain is never ever far. And the price of a walk however short, costs a lot of recovery and rest (ie not moving at all)

We saw deer though so it was totally worth it.

And just to get our own karma after giggling over someone losing their sole of their footwear a week before, we ended up doing the same!!

Arthritis in the Hands

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Forty Eight, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

Winter has been a lot colder, in fact this month it’s been the coldest weather we’ve had in a decade. And my poor hips and hands are feeling it.

To keep the main ‘bad’ hand at a manageable level, I have been needing splints, compression gloves and hot water bottles to keep it getting too painful. But the vice pressure squeezing it like mad,does sneak through from time to time, and I confess it brings me to tears.

Knuckles are starting to swell up too, so it’s no longer just the cmc joint that nags and hurts.

At least xrays are on the way 8th March can’t come soon enough, and some steroid injections too. I have to try them, even though there’s a risk they won’t work, as I’m getting pretty desperate. Every Jan, Feb and March seems to be the same. So I know it’s the cold weather affecting it.

I try my best to keep them active, using physio exercises to keep the muscles as strong as possible, like I do with my hips. Though in a flare it’s not always possible, as even holding a pen can cause such lightening pain.