Day 79 I think I’m back

Archive, Arthritis, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

But tentatively back, as I daren’t rush back into over training, and doing too much. The way I’ve felt over the week has kicked my butt, and reminded me it’s still early days.

I class this stage of recovery from hip surgeries the worst stage, because you ‘look’ fine, you can do most things, but you don’t necessarily do them well, in good form, or for long. And most are off painkillers too, so once they tire, the pain can easily feel all consuming again. And because you ‘look and feel’ fine it gets frustrating when the hip decides to remind you, of your weaknesses, and limits.

Today it’s been exploring and strolling kind of day, a way to get moving but gentle, all flat walking, using my stick as I’m definitely not ready to lose it. And going slow, stopping often and just enjoying some fresh air.

Where we live, we have a house that author #JRRTolkien lived in 1916 and also a serene area where the books were inspired from the local countryside. Especially where two rivers meet, so that was our aim for the day to visit these places.

Looking at the house you let the mind wander of those years gone by, with his wife here while he was in camps over Cannock Chase and Rugeley too.

Wandering down the little village, in bloom with glorious blue skies and sunshine, we embark on an amble to the canal, and river waterways. To catch a glimpse of places visited by Tolkien and places that inspired him.

We find his spot where the rivers meet, the sounds of water is soothing, and mediative. We eat our packed lunch and gaze at the running water, imaging the stories he told. Listening to the wildlife and thoroughly enjoying every moment.

For once I wasn’t chased home quickly from pains and aches, like I’ve been for years. That isn’t to say it is painfree, because it isn’t there yet. But it’s certainly manageable. I felt the hip flexor area mostly, as lower back in this walk.

Day 78 Just do it!!

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Ok I admit the total rest did work, as much as I hated it, and hate admitting it. Today I woke up feeling a lot better, not 100% but definitely improved, so I’m going to take advantage of it.

I’ve not moved for days, literally less than 300 steps per day, and the thing I’ve found with this new bionic part, is that when I stay still, it’s actually more stiff and sore, than when I move around a bit. Which is so unlike every hip surgery I’ve ever had. It’s like a Fitbit leg!!

So thinking what could I do, without causing my head to swim, or sway. And I thought, the easy do in bed post op exercises, would be perfect. Still activating muscles, with total support, and I didn’t use any resistance bands.

It’s easy at this point to overdo it because you feel marginally better, so resist that urge and just gently gently do some muscle work, to help the hip.

  • Squeeze Glutes Exercise 20 reps
  • Quad Exercise (pull kneecaps towards you) 20 reps
  • Short Arc quad (wedge a towel or ball under knee, raise leg) 20 reps

  • Heel Slide 20 reps
  • Hip Abduction 20 reps

I didn’t do the standing exercise at the bottom of this exercise sheet. Instead I opted for

  • Single leg raise 20 reps
  • Clam (let knees fall out to the sides) 20 reps
  • Ball squeezes between Ankles 20 reps
  • Ball squeezes between Knees 20 reps
  • Long arch quad (sitting on edge of bed, lift leg to straighten knee) 20 reps

After all that I’m feeling accomplished but not overly done in or tired. I felt like I’m reclaimed a piece of me back.

11 weeks post op #hipreplacement #glossybox

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, Make Up, Beauty, Skincare, SURGERY

Urgh! I hate being ill, it’s so boring. Lately I can’t even focus on the TV, let alone binge watch Netflix. I’m just staring at the box, like a zombie at the moment.

You think you can catch up with reading or tv shows, while resting in bed. But the truth is, it’s almost impossible to hold a conversation, let alone follow a decent plot line in a book or on screen.

My only bonus is I’ve been taking ibuprofen 400mg tablets x 3 a day, and my hands have massively improved. Could be related or could just be as it was time for the flare to go down? Though hip is the opposite, the pain levels are high in the hip, really achy and stiff. But likewise that could be from me avoiding moving.

It’s no surprise I’ve not done anything, literally nothing for 2 days. I’m giving myself time to heal, and get over this virus. So instead here is my March #Glossybox hope it cheers me up!

I have no idea why I decided to start the subscription up again, and I’ll be honest the second I opened this box, I promptly cancelled it once more!!

It’s not that it’s bad as it’s not, but the #BellaPierre lipstick kiss proof creme is a deep burgundy, purple so I can’t wear it. My daughter now has it. Full size £20.00

#bybibeauty Plumper Lip Balm is lovely but tiny 10ml so at least it’s useful, but I’m not overwhelmed. Full size £9.00

#Laritzy Dew Pot Utopia highlighter pot, again a bit underwhelming. I’ve seen much better highlighters and it’s a creme which I don’t use. Full size £15.30

My favourite products ended up being the #essence You better work! Fixing spray, which has held my make up well when working out, or going to hydrotherapy. Full size £3.50

Finally we have another good staple product #TheBodyShop Shea Butter body butter in a deluxe mini (it’s a fair size) which would cost £6.00

Overall I thought it was pants compared to look fantastic boxes. And it seems to fall into a trap of same ole brands to use. If my daughter’s had received this box, she’d be over the moon though. So maybe it’s just me. Least I can use the Shea Body Butter while I feel grossly poorly, to make myself feel a bit better.

Day 76 Rest days here to stay

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Not much to write as today I’m still poorly, fighting whatever bug it is. I feel more fatigued than yesterday, so I’m glad I did hydro when I did, as no way I could do it today.

I saw the doctor’s this morning in case I needed antibiotics. As my throat is sore, with my ears being affected as well.

Thankfully it’s just viral not bacterial at the moment,so lots of honey, lemon drinks, take some paracetamol and ibuprofen, and resting up until it passes.

Though this coughing I have is driving me nuts!! It’s making my throat red raw and dry. And it’s tiring too, I’m not sleeping well at all.

So sofa, blanket and Netflix is my entire plan today. Everything hurts, and aches so much more, rest and sleep is needed.

Day 75 Hydrotherapy

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Probably the best day of the week, is hydro day. For a quick half an hour I can feel light as a feather, move without hindrance, and exercise twice as hard. It’s pure heaven!!

While I’ve been struggling with pain over the weekend, a gentle warm water session is exactly what I need. So although I’m lacking in energy right now, I’m pushing through, as I know it’s worth it, and I will feel a million times better.

  • Walk up and down pool forwards x 3
  • Walk up and down pool sideways x 3
  • Push float down 20 reps x 3
  • Mini squats 20 reps x 3
  • Side step ups 20 reps x 3
  • Step ups forwards 20 reps x 3
  • Hip flexion with ring 20 reps x 3
  • Hip abduction with ring 20 reps x 3
  • Hip extension with ring 20 reps x 3

Admittedly it was lovely as predicted, and it felt like magic to get moving but feel so supported in the water. I think I have 1 session left next week, after that I’m not sure what’s next.

I also asked the advice on low reps high resistance, or high reps and low resistance, and they say stick to low resistance and higher reps at least until I’m 16- 20 weeks post op, more like 20 with me. So I’m glad I asked now. And I feel like I’m on the right path.

Day 74 Poorly

Archive, Arthritis, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

After all my activities and loving life last week, it all came crashing down on Friday (day 72) and I thought I’d simply over done it all. So I opted to rest and do a few chores, but nothing taxing.

By the Saturday (day 73) I still wasn’t really feeling any better, which was concerning, I was starting to think I’d torn my muscle, or damaged the hip in some way, though not really understanding how.

As the day progressed, even though I was now on a second full day of resting, I felt rotten. But now not just my hips and hands, I was starting to feel generally unwell.

So here we are, I’m definitely under the weather, I have a sore throat, horrid cough and every joint aches like hell. Least this explains how I crashed out after Thursdays physio.

The weather is beautiful and here in the UK, you have to snap them up as you never know when the rain and grey weather is returning. So pulling up my big girl pants, I’m off out for a gentle stroll with the family, to blow the cobwebs away.

Wether it’s wise to or not, I used a walking pole, to give it a try. But I had my walking stick as well, for when I got tired. So sarnies packed and out the door. In a few mins we are in Chase heaven! And eating a picnic by the babbling brook in the valley.

I feel so much better for getting some fresh air, but I am tired, and sore. But making the most of my Sunday.

My adventure thrill seekers are off over the water on the log. I’m definitely not even attempting anything like this. But I enjoyed watching them do it. They jumped back over further down stream. Crazy idiots.

On the walk back the car, because we do a loop rather than back on ourselves, we walked a new trail and spotted the deer sitting around and eating. Obviously they start to walk off once we get closer, as they are 100% wild.

I feel very honoured to have gotten this close, and snapped a few photos. I did too much, I ended up on my walking stick, I am not walking anywhere near the amount others are, but that’s ok. It’s good for me, and it’s progress.

Once home it was definitely hot water bottle time, medication, and nap! I was done in, but felt accomplished at least.

Day 73 Struggling High Pain Day

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

I seem to have a few good days then a crash down to the bottom. Clearly my pacing skills are pants, and I’m either doing too much, or the scar tissue just won’t let me go beyond the strength I have.

Yesterday I had an amazing day of physio, I felt strong, and like I was progressing, but this morning I feel like crap!

I went to sit down and my god it felt like it was ripping as I hovered above the seat, just under the scar, it’s swollen and hurts like hell. Always around the butt, piriformis area. Hope hot water bottles work enough. Even the groin decided to join the pain party!! Yes I’m moaning, but my god it hurts.

But I’m not giving up, technically I have 1 year to push it to see how far it can go, maybe I need to dial it back a little and respect it a bit more. Think marathon not race. Maybe I’m too eager to get it fixed, that I’m hindering it by going too fast?

I think the flare up of pain is from trying to work out both legs, as some exercises require me to stand alone on that leg, and although I use a walking stick, perhaps it’s not enough, and I’d be better suited to a crutch for now?

So that’s my future plan for next week, but as it’s the weekend. I’m going to relax, read and visit family members instead of physio. Do you have anything good planned this weekend?

Day 72 #HipReplacement Red or Green Band?

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

The last few days I’ve not managed to get outside and walk, so it’s been hydro or physio at home.

I’m back on the red band as I can do the exercises with it, with reasonable ease. But I’m debating whether that’s good or not? Like is it wise to do more reps with low resistance, or low reps with high resistance? Definitely something to ask at hydro next week.

Back to

  • Glute exercise 20 reps x 2
  • Quad exercise 20 reps x 2
  • Heel Slide 20 reps x 2
  • Hip abduction 20 reps x 2
  • Single leg raise 20 reps x 2
  • Short Arc quad 20 reps x 2
  • Clam side drop 20 reps x 2
  • Ankle ball squeezes 20 reps x 2
  • Knee ball squeezes 20 reps x 2
  • Long arc quad 20 reps x 2

Used the RED band throughout, and 2 sets took 40 mins. I felt a few twinges around the groin, nothing to worry over but enough to need rest and hot water bottles.

Following rest and warming of the joints I carry in with these

  • Hip flexion 20 reps x 2
  • Hip abduction 20 reps x 2
  • Hip extension 20 reps x 2
  • Heel to butt 20 reps x 2
  • Mini squats 20 reps x 2
  • Step ups 20 reps x 2
  • Monster walk 20 reps x 2

Feel it in the butt when I do the mini squats, and admittedly the hip flexion isn’t my friend either. Pulls at the groin, and hip flexor. These 2 sets took 40 mins as well. Did both legs as well, so that’s only my second time of including the opposite hip on the standing exercises. Feels good but quite hard.

At least I don’t have to focus on my hands and their pain while doing these exercises.

Day 71 Hydro and OT appointments

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Yesterday was Wednesday and I had my appointments for both OT (Occupational therapist) then closely followed by Hydrotherapy. It was brilliant to have on the same day, saves traveling and parking two separate days.

My first appointment was OT and I showed her my photo of my swollen knuckles, and explained the pain.

And she gave me some compression gloves to start wearing, whenever I feel like I need them. To gently compress and warm the hand joints.

Totally not attractive, I mean look at them!! But needs must. And I also need to make an appointment with the gp, to discuss steroids or effective pain relief.

So that was done, time for Hydro. And following the weeks walking adventures, I was already tired. But eager to workout as hard as I could too.

  • Walk up down pool forwards x 3
  • Walk up down pool sideways x 3
  • Walk up down pool backwards x 3
  • Hip flexion 20 reps x 2
  • Hip abduction 20 reps x 2
  • Hip extension 20 reps x 2
  • Step ups forward 20 reps x 2
  • Step up sideways 20 reps x 2
  • Push float down core exercise 20 reps x 2
  • Mini squats 20 reps x 2

That was honestly me done, I hobbled out exhausted but accomplished. Once home and dinner done, I promptly fell asleep again. It’s definitely wearing me out proper!!

10 weeks post #hipreplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

When I first embarked on this journey 9th Jan I can honestly say I was not prepared. I thought I was but looking back now, I know my expectations were way off. I expected to be magically pain free, skipping up the mountains as others are.

Not me, even at halfway through I was beginning to think I couldn’t see a way out, it was never going to happen like it does for others. I was whiney I admit it.

But then just like that it’s started to fall into place. I find myself turning in bed with greater ease, though the pillow is still my friend.

I find walking unaided better around the house, but it still tires out quickly and that brings the limp and thigh pain.

As I said I’m still getting pain at times, from deep inside the thigh, or deep in the buttock, under an old scar. Groin pain occasionally flares up, or the golf ball swelling. And the scar sometimes stings or is itchy? No idea why though.

Stairs I hate hate hate, it pulls at my operated sides knee. But I’m getting up them better, as long as they have either 2 Bannisters or 1 I can hold and stick the other side.

Got myself a new Tee, I had too. It shows I have Custom Parts as my hip replacement is custom made. So I’ll be wearing this to the OT and Hydro appointments.