We’ve all struggled over the anxiety and stress of covid the last 2years, having restrictions, rules and lockdowns. And now as they was easing, and hope was returning, we are now plunged into another crisis with the prospect of full on war between Russia and the world due to their invasion of Ukraine.

And while I don’t want to dismiss it, I don’t have any desire to focus on it either, in order to protect my own mental health. So it’s good to step away from the news, and from social media, and breathe in nature, nice and deeply.

This week is a particularly tough week emotionally with grief ever present, and physically as I’ve had some of the worst pain and flares to deal with, barely sleeping due to pain in my hands. It’s hard to look after yourself when you feel so low and exhausted, and I’m sure pain feels worse when you are emotional, and fatigued.

So be gentle with yourselves and step back from things that stress you out, of you feel anxiety creeping, take time to listen to podcasts of guided meditations, or asmr videos if they relax you. Run a bubble bath and have a pamper session with a sheet mask. I’ve been watching some guilty pleasure TV A Discovery of Witches, a way to escape into something whimsical. Sometimes even an afternoon murder mystery film and a coffee with biscuits is all I need to help re-centre myself and allow the mind to be more present.

Archive, Arthritis, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred One, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

This last week has been a massive struggle. Flaring up psoas pains all the time, along with hands I’d gladly amputate most days. I’ve not been sleeping well either.

As the psoas has flared up again, I have opted for more passive gentle stretches and movements.

I am finding this knee to chest incredibly difficult, and it hurts too. So slow and steady and nursed with ibuprofen gel and hot water bottles

We’ve not been out for a walk for 2 weeks and I can certainly tell, as it does help us mentally. So I hope we can change that this week, now the weather has improved a bit.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred One, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Ok! Beauty box for February, we have more #WildScienceLab Leaf+Seed Shampoo and Conditioner 50ml each.  I love these when we go camping (booked for April) so they are perfect. Travel size and rrp £6 each.

#BalanceMe Pure skin face wash travel size £8 I love the size 20ml it’s great to chuck into an overnight bag.

#BellaPierreCosmetics Natural Matt Eyeshadow Palette 4 gorgeous shades ivory, caramel, butterscotch and truffle. Shimmer free. Full size rrp £28.99

Then #VeganByHappySkin a smooth Shea butter and jojoba oil lotion, tired dry skin will thank you. Full size  100ml rrp £34.99

Loving this box this month, I stop and start this subscription and often skip months, I love that it’s that versatile and practical.

Archive, Beauty Boxes, Blogger Reviews, Events, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred One, Covid-19 Lockdown, Make Up, Beauty, Skincare