76 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Thirteen, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

I have been progressively challenging myself and this hip replacement. This lockdown has pushed us to walk and get out and about. Pushing a lot harder than me doing a workout routine at home.

And living in such beautiful countryside I’m lucky to have challenging hills, rocks, and pathways.

We climbed with flat levelled surfaces, I scrambled up some rocks (the left hip hated every step though)

My biggest challenge was to try and get up some Rocky steps. I wasn’t pretty but I got up there!!

After this epic adventure I won’t lie, I HURT like hell, took days and days to recover.

One day I will have a king of the castle moment like Mr Moon.

For now I can dream. Roll on hip replacement for the left side, I want to be fully bionic!!