
Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Sixty Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

I confess I’ve been struggling, feeling hounded by news, depressed and stifled by society, and I just want things back to 2019. I know it’s easy to turn off news and social media and we frequently do. But so much of society is not available to me like before.

Masks make me feel uncomfortable, so shopping is no longer a pastime, pubs and restaurants where I’m tracked, and penned in doesn’t appeal either. Not to mention the hand sanitizer makes me faint, so that’s another thing to actively avoid.

But most of all, I just want my surgery. That’s the emotion I’m dealing with mostly, the sheer hopeless abandonment . The pain management is zero, nowhere to be seen, as we just aren’t that important. And the sheer fear that there will be another wave and hospitals shut, causing the wait to be even longer, or if ever….

I don’t want to be doom and gloom, but just honest. My blog shows some amazing adventures we have once a week, and they truly are incredible. But the other 6 days of the week are full of pain, tears, and stress, topped with anxiety and depression. If I could physically go out more I would. And it’s important to see both sides and remain balanced.

While the weather has been lovely, it’s been easier to recover and rest in the garden, I’m incredibly lucky to have one. So at least I can feel the sun on my face, and hear the birds and sink my toes into the grass to ground myself.

Back to Robin Hood Stride

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Sixty Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Family Adventures, Hip replacement, Travel

We needed an easy ish comfortable walk, Though we’ve done it before, we are tweaking it a bit to make it feel different to the first time we did it.

First start was a dip in the Wild Swimming area, as we feared end of walk we would be too tired and maybe too cold. Mr Moon swam, I dunked to waist, my first wild swim experience beyond dipping feet in.

Mr Moon shows me how Zen he is. Now off for the walk.

The dandelions we ate last time are all clocking!!

Walking throughthe bluebells in the woodland was as serene as you can imagine!

Back to the Nine Stone ring (has 4 stones though) we have a rest and dinner too. Doesn’t look it but it’s warm.

On the rocks near Hermits cave we witness the best aerial display, a buzzard barrel rolling to avoid the crows dive bombing it. Here I take a much needed break as Hip is not behaving and isn’t happy at all.

Views off the stride, you can see the stone circle in the distance. We’ve been lucky with weather. I’ve taken more painkillers than I normally do, so we aim to cut things short.

Spotted a teeny tiny Kenny Leveret (Baby Hare) careful to not disturb and walk away quickly, I thank my lucky stars for being so blessed with so many firsts in nature today.

Eek our way through has the most enormous Bull in it, and very skittish cows, we abort that route, and though I’m in a lot of pain now, we backtrack our route as none of us feel comfortable around bucking and jumping cows, saw the Bull run and he cleared the field in seconds!!

Back at the beginning, down there is where we dipped in the water, Home time for me, what an epic adventure. Very very sore, but my heart is singing with all the sights we saw today. Treasured memories.