10years of #SBS Theo Paphitis #PartOne

Archive, Blogger Reviews, Events, Family Adventures

Wow I can’t believe it’s a decade already!!

It’s my 8th one and each time I go, I have an incredible inspiring day. I get to see great friends I’ve made, hear from very successful businesses too.

So what is #sbs??

Small Business Sunday, shortened to the hashtag #SBS on Twitter, was created by Theo Paphitis in October 2010. Theo is best known for appearing on Dragons’ Den on BBC Two. He is Chairman of Ryman Stationery plus Boux Avenue lingerie, Robert Dyas and latest acquisition London Graphic Centre.

Each week, Theo rewards small businesses that tweet him @TheoPaphitis and describe their businesses in one tweet including the all-important hashtag #SBS. Only tweets made in the time slot between 5.00 PM and 7.30 PM each Sunday count.

Every Monday night at 8pm, Theo reviews and chooses his favourite lucky six who are then re-tweeted. As he has around 500k followers, this provides a massive boost to the chosen lucky businesses.

The benefits range from increased Twitter followers, to positive media publicity and crucially for many, increased sales! Of course, none of this is guaranteed as it is largely down to perseverance and hard work. A smidgen of luck comes in handy.

Lots of great businesses that lend their support, advice and mentor us. Fabulous presentations.

We have time to chat with each other, to network, and share our own businesses too.

Before sitting down listening to relevant talks.

There is drinks provided and breaks of course, and even later on the lunch is provided. The food is always outstanding.


Theo says, “I admire people who have passion and energy. If you cannot bore your friends to death about your own small business then something is seriously wrong. I was struck by the number of business owners on Twitter who wanted to tell me about their new products and services. Small Business Sunday was born so that people have a specific time slot to tweet and can pitch their ‘sell’ directly to me.

All my businesses are privately owned and entrepreneurial in spirit. My stationery firm Ryman has thousands of small business customers, which is why they are now kindly sponsoring #SBS. I want to offer benefits to #SBS winners, past and present and the link with the stationery retailer allows me to do this, so thank you CEO Kypros Kyprianou and Co.

My vision is that everyone who has ever won an #SBS re-tweet from me becomes part of a friendly club. Like-minded individuals can share successes and learnings. This website will give a valuable profile to the winners chosen to date and should help those who have not yet won but want some tips on how to do so. You will find news about the latest winners plus events and activities of interest.

I know I have been lucky in business and I am keen now to spread goodwill to others, of course not forgetting that very often, you make your own luck by making use of every opportunity.”

1yr Post #HipReplacement appointment

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Another milestone hit, it’s finally here my 1year Post Hip Replacement appointment. Although it’s technically 13months post op.

I went in fully prepared to say what I needed to say, I even wrote it down too, Nervous but intrigued. I dressed with no metal on my trousers so I would be as fast as lightening in the x-ray department. Which I scan safetly say with confidence I’m the fastest x-rayer!!

I requested my consultant, but alas it wasn’t meant to be, I ended with a Registrar instead.

This is last year’s x-ray. I can see a tiny spot now I’m home and studying x-ray on the bone.

Today’s (tuesday) xray and OMG it’s still there but moved.

No real explanation to why I still get groin pain, and stem pain. Except he reminded me it was never a normal hip replacement, it said it’s more like a revision one, because of the extensive work I’ve had done prior to this implant. So he said it would be 10 times longer to recover. So I’m prepared to work more and wait.

He watched me walk, we discussed quad weakness and my struggling to do stairs, the quads would explain that. And knee pain too. So more years until it evens itself out. He checked the ranges and was happy on the replaced hip, but noted the limitation on the left one.

We discussed that I have no pain in the left just very restrictive, so he suggests I leave the replacement in that side until I do have pain, so the success is greater. And it also gives this side more time to fix itself better too, without adding more stress and weight to it.

So although I was originally disappointed to hear the initial results of expected pain for a while yet, and using stick too (Will it ever go, will I ever ditch the limp), and not to replace hip for a long time yet, when I was totally expecting too in a year’s time. I feel slightly better about it now.

He asked if I was happy with the leg length, and I casually said yes. But now I’m home and freaking out, am I happy with the length? Is there a difference?

So I’m not back for a year, well sooner if need to be seen. But if not another year and we can discuss if progress has actually been made or not. And see how the left is holding up. Pleased I saw no damage to the stem or around the acetabular cup, as they were my greatest fears.

And with that I hobbled myself out, with the worse gait you’ve ever seen!! Damn it

* once home I noticed a white dot on the x-ray next to the hip replacement, so I looked at older x-ray and it was there too, but more on edge of the bone. So I think it’s a rogue staple left in!!*

58 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

I’m now a mere few days away from seeing the surgeon. And my mind is making me an emotional mess.

I struggle to articulate what I want to say, I’m terrified of what things may mean when I voice the issues, what will an x-ray show? So it’s been a roller coaster of tears, and anxiety.

I’m over a year post hip replacement and I honestly wasn’t really expecting

  • Still using a walking stick
  • Stairs to be such a struggle
  • Deep groin pain
  • Thigh pain above the knee
  • Fatigue in simple tasks
  • Swelling from walking
  • Golf ball sensation

That’s the post hip replacement leg, the other leg is

  • Fatigue quickly
  • Stairs still
  • Stamina of physio exercises
  • Range of movement

Maybe it’s a simple case of needing more time, and more physio. And that maybe fixing the other side will help too.

Decisions decisions and more decisions

New dose? new plans? Or stay the same #Etoricoxib

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

It’s been 7 weeks on etoricoxib and although I feel it’s going well. I’m in pain most days, especially if I’m doing eggs. Like this below.

It is making me squeal, and it’s swelling up too. Mainly the left thumb, but my right isn’t feeling too clever at times either.

Each night I’m bathing in ibuprofen gel, and wearing at least my left splint all night. And though it’s better, its not a total relief. I’m wincing just typing this out.

So while I had a weeks worth of 90mg etoricoxib left I rang the doctors, to ask what the plan forward was, different meds, additional meds or higher dose. Or stay the same at this manageable level.

And unfortunately it wasn’t good news, they can’t increase the dose, all I can do for now is add 8 paracetamol per day for the rest of my life, or while I’m pre surgery. And wear splints day and night.

They give a look of pity, which is a hard pill to swallow, when you realise there isn’t anything they can do for you.

Maybe it’s just a bad flare, one that could settle down, so I’m taking their advice and see if that realistically helps me. Next maybe it us time to tackle diet too?? For now I just need to process the news and try and move forward.

Least I have one nice funky cast cover to help with the ugly beige splint. I bought one as one hand is mainly worse.

You can find them here

And lastly I did these on a site, I have a #Hip one so I needed an #Arthritis one too

find it here

Valentine’s? Nah it’s Physio time!!

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

I don’t do Valentine’s I confess, as I am happily married and we show acts of love everyday, which doesn’t cost a thing.

And we often have date nights, special events and outings, that this really is another day to me. Though we are planning a nice bottle of wine and roast dinner.

Though I was spoilt this week with something I’ve wanted for a while. It’s a Bosu ball, so I can do the same physio at home as I do at the hospital.

It makes one legged lunges and step ups so much harder, so less reps but works the muscles so much more. Great for helping with balance too, when your foot isn’t level. It works all the micro muscles we don’t think about.

So it’s off to the hospital and get ready for a beasting physio session. The last one before I see the surgeon too.

  • Stationary bike level 2 x 4mins
  • Leg press 40kg x 20reps
  • Trampoline marching x 1min
  • Bosu ball side lunges x 16reps
  • Upside down Bosu ball x 10 reps
  • Bosu ball 1 legged squats x 10reps
  • Green resistant band Duck walking x 20reps

Thank goodness for parallel bars as these exercises would NOT be possible. And I’m glad I have nothing else to do afterwards, as she always makes me almost crawl out. Bambi legged.

Weekends Adventures

Archive, Arthritis, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

This weekend was just about staying in, and visiting family too. and of course relaxing, as my body feels like it’s been steamrolled over!!

I can’t seem to rid myself of the constant nagging back ache. And since attempting to do more steps at home on the Aerobic step, just above my knee (about 2 inches above) has also been nagging too. Really need to question surgeon about this.

Which I will admit I’m finding boring, so how can I entertain myself yet relax too?!

First up is I’m going to binge watch #LockeAndKey on Netflix

Three siblings who move into their ancestral estate after their father’s murder discover their new home’s magical keys, which must be used in their stand against an evil creature who wants the keys and their powers. I’ve just started it, and it’s looking promising. I love the visuals too, it’s superbly filmed. I hope there is many many more series to come.

#Ragnarok also on Netflix I’ve totally enjoyed all of this. Again I’m hoping for so many more series to come.

A small Norwegian town experiencing warm winters and violent downpours seems to be headed for another Ragnarok — unless somebody intervenes in time. I was absolutely HOOKED on this one.

That was the Saturday, the Sunday was all about visiting Family and good food at their houses too.

Can’t beat a Sunday dinner made for you. It was hella tasty too!!

Thankfully the storm didn’t do too much damage around our area. But it was wild out there!!

56 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

I am struggling, mainly with stiff lower back and deep groin pain. But I’m wondering if it’s simply arthritis elsewhere or the actual hip? And I have to remember how much better I am than before the surgery too.

The weather at this time of year is never nice, and the dampness soon makes me feel at least 80yrs old. I’ve started to use the ibuprofen gel on my back too now.

Thankfully I’ve got the hands under as much control as I can, never again will I forget the splints at night. That was a painful reminder.

So I’m thinking it’s time to try and get myself out for walks again, even though I feel rigid. And welcome these things back into my life too.

Aerobic step as steps/stairs are still my nemesis. Ankle weights to help build the glutes, and I’m never far from a green resistant band.

Roll on 3 weeks when I see the surgeon!! And better yet Lana Del Rey and Theo Paphitis. How’s that for excitement!!

6 weeks #Etoricoxib

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

Since starting the 90mg dose, the thumbs have started to settle down. And I’m not having heart palpitations anymore either.

I do sometimes need the ibuprofen during the day which is annoying. And I’m wearing splints most nights, but I’ve even found myself going to bed and forgetting them!! I never imagined that would happen.

I was getting confident so I went back to crafting, and I sold This one

And this one too,

found here

But low and behold, forgetting splints at night, and a couple of tablets. Followed by being carefree with crafting, I then had a HUGE FLARE with a few days last week where the cmc bone would not sit in place!! So back to meds, rest and icing and splints settled it down finally.

The weather has turned quite bitterly cold so I’m sure that isn’t helping either. So each day it’s wrapped up with hot water bottles and blankets. Rest rest rest is all I can do.

Imbolc first Sabbat of 2020

Archive, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

Imbolc, What is it? Well in the Celtic seasonal calendar, which marks the beginning of the lambing season and signals the beginning of Spring and the stirrings of new life. This is when we start to see shoots of snowdrops.

It is Feile Brighde, the ‘quickening of the year’. The original word Imbolc means ‘in the belly’. See how it ties in with Farming and Lambing. The Land is pregnant and expectant – and only just visible if at all, like the gentle curve of a ‘just-showing’ pregnancy.

It is the promise of renewal, of hidden potential, of earth awakening and life-force stirring. The wheel is turning and with it comes our hopes, new life.

Here is hope. We welcome the growth of the returning light and witness Life’s insatiable appetite for rebirth.

It is Feile Brighde, the ‘quickening of the year’. The original word Imbolc means ‘in the belly’. See how it ties in with Farming and Lambing. The Land is pregnant and expectant – and only just visible if at all, like the gentle curve of a ‘just-showing’ pregnancy.

It is the promise of renewal, of hidden potential, of earth awakening and life-force stirring. The wheel is turning and with it comes our hopes, new life.

Here is hope. We welcome the growth of the returning light and witness Life’s insatiable appetite for rebirth.

Imbolc is a time to let go of the past and to look to the future, clearing out the old, making both outer and inner space for new beginnings.

Spring cleaning is called this, for this very reason!!

So try spring cleaning your home to clearing the mind and heart to allow inspiration to enter for the new cycle.

Doreen Valiente says spring cleaning was a nature ritual.

So I find it’s a good time for wish-making or making a dedication. Send out a promise of something you can work towards through the year.

Imbolc is traditionally the great festival and honouring of Brigid (Brighid, Bride, Brigit), as she was loved as a pagan Goddess that her worship was woven into the Christian church as St Bridget. So the Christians/pagans could accept the change of worship.
She is a Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. She brings fertility to the land and its people and is closely connected to midwives and new-born babies. She is the Triple Goddess, but at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect.

For me I’ll be lighting my candles, eating some good food, and going out to spring clean the cobwebs off myself, and spend some time with friends.