Those new exercises I was given last week, are actually a killer, no matter how basic they look. Looks are deceiving that’s for sure!!

The aim was to do 10 reps of each exercise and do 2 to 3 sets of them, alternate days. Well I’ve only been doing 10 reps for 1 set on alternate days. It’s too much to add another set for now. But maybe if I keep at it consistently, then it will build up enough to manage a second set.

Most of the exercises feel reasonable kind of aches. And I am grateful for doing them alternative days, rather than daily. But the knee to chest stretch is so so difficult, and it really flares up the psoas. Trying to trust the process that it will get easier over time.

I have now filled this blogs entire media allowance, so I either have to delete old posts, or photos. (Which I don’t want to do as they chronicle my entire hip dysplasia journey.) Or start a new free blog, so I have. You can find me at

So please go and follow that new blog, as this one will be shelved. And I don’t want to lose my wonderful friends I’ve made here. Hope to see you there, if not then thank you for being here and reading so far. Thank you for everything!!

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

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