I can’t believe it’s been 5 weeks since I was last here!! That’s crazy, time really does seem to be whizzing by, and other things seem to taking my attention more than the hip. Which is good in a way, as it means I’m naturally moving on from being acutely affected day to day.

However it’s also bad as it means I’m not truly focusing on healing and improving this nagging psoas issue. But that’s the devil of having more than 1 health issue, going on in your life. Sometimes you have to choose to rest when you don’t want too, and to focus on other joints as they hurt worse. And that’s definitely been me lately.

On demonstrating my ability to hip hitch lying down, it was decided it’s too weak to progress to standing version. I showed my knee to chest, requiring to use my hands to fetch the leg. This is a massive set back, so we’ve discussed hydrotherapy while land physio is causing such pain. But there’s a heck of a wait for that yet. So in the meantime I’m to go back to hip hitching lying down, and knee to chest stretch on the bed.

I showed them how the Right hip that’s 3yrs old is also suffering, so I’ve been given the stretch above to try and help ease the pains off.

So it felt a little disappointing, but the plan is for him to devise me a full physio routine and he will post it to me, and do that for 4 weeks, then go back to see if any improvement has been made. And then do the checklist for hydro at that appointment.

Functionally I feel ok, but to do steps, stairs or lift the leg I am struggling a lot, so I will do exactly as I’m told and hope it helps.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week One Hundred Three, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement