Weekend Vibes

Archive, Arthritis, Challenges, Randoms, Miscellaneous, Family Adventures, Hip replacement

The weekend has arrived and I’m prepping for a birthday party for our soon to be 3yr old grandson Leonardo.

Cue mass meet up at ours for all of my children together, and my parents. It was chaos at times, loud other times, but good fun was had. And I think we had one very spoilt boy.

Laughs, cake and being together made it worth all the aches my hip gave me, preparing for this.

It was all Thomas the Tank Engine themed, he loves his trains.

Boy gifts and parties are all new to me, as I had 4 daughters, so everything was pink, lilac, glittery and Barbie, or bratz. So trains and cars are new to me.

Sunday came and it was family visiting day, but the treat is we get a Sunday dinner made for us.

And we got to capture a photo of us when we were in the audience of Ninja Warrior too. It’s from last week’s show.

3rd row up that’s me! Mini moon and Mr Moon. We went to Manchester last August and it’s finally been aired on TV. Hilarious seeing yourself on the Tele.

So from one hectic day, to a pretty relaxed chilled day, its been a perfect weekend. Spent with the people we love the most!!

Day 88 #hipreplacement Family Time

Archive, Arthritis, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

It’s important to have some down time and not over train, ie do too much physio. As I have found this has helped me overall, to have rest days.

But as every parent knows rest days aren’t truly resting and not moving, it’s purely me not doing specific physio exercises.

Instead I did something a bit more exciting, I finally saw my grandson Leonardo, nearly 3yrs old he’s full of beans and hard to keep up with. I say finally as I’ve been poorly, then she was poorly too, then life gets in the way etc etc…

The trampoline was out for me obviously, but Nardo loves the trampoline and my youngest Daughter is doing Best Aunty and joining him, but I did lots of getting the ball, and picking up toys which soon had me tired out.

Just walking unaided up and down the garden was all the physio I needed. And he was perfectly behaved, but I was shattered!! Aching thigh and aching back, so once he evening came it was snacks (maltesers and crisps) and #Glass film

#Blogmas 2018 Seeing the kids for Christmas

Archive, blogmas 2018, Family Adventures

I’m lucky that I have grown up daughter’s, each forging their own lives and families. But we still find time to get together over special occasions. But best laid plans always go awry. And sadly one daughter and her son are sick, so unfortunately I can’t see them. I’m sure to catch up with them soon. It’s better for them not to pass it to me as surgery is so soon.

All live miles apart, so it’s no easy feat to get us all in one place.

From my eldest daughter, I got Snowmen Jelly Babies, My own Christmas Cake (as everyone but me hates it) some lovelies for the bath, and an Initial Necklace with all the Girls initials.

Sam my second eldest, she lives the furthest from us all, so it’s a rare treat to see her. From the second eldest I got.


Cute Hedwig lip balm, as I love owls, and Harry Potter.


Then I got some cute Wands, so this witch can do spells with her make up routine too!! Then spoiled by her boyfriend Rhys too, Thank you so much.

These Wetherspoons vouchers will be put to good use. We are often in a spoons!! Her dad and I also got some baileys with orange, tastes like a Terrys chocolate orange! And some prosecco too.

Third daughter is poorly, so I will have a Christmas day once everyone is better. I can’t wait to give our grandson Leonardo his presents.

Then as seen in previous post. My youngest got me Moschino perfume, Flamingo PJ’s for hospital, and Paddington calendar to put all my appointments in one place.

We all ate too much cheese, crackers and bread rolls, but boy oh boy it was tasty. Then off to play games that they had bought.

Cue hilarious fun, blowing kazoos and being pretty stupid at times, and me becoming family quiz champion!!

Disaster…. Help!!

Archive, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

Last time we spoke my lovelies, all was going reasonably well, few hiccups and bumps in the road, but on the whole smoothly!!

Not anymore, I’ve pulled my back and I can barely move. It’s such a huge setback fitness wise and couch to 5k wise. I can’t do physio, weights or walking unaided. In fact I’m back on crutches as I can’t walk. I’ve never had a muscle pull like this before, and I have no idea how long it will take to recover from either.

Not what I wanted for my birthday week. 😥

Friday we had the wedding which was glorious, romantic and just beautiful.

Saturday was hangover and travel home from mother in law’s, so the day went pretty fast. All were exhausted but I felt ok, hip was angry was my biggest concern.

Sunday I was trying to pick my handbag up off the floor, when twang went my back. I couldn’t get up, couldn’t walk, only crawl to sofa. And oh my god did I cry and cry and cry….that was seriously painful.

And it’s still so sore now, all I’m doing is icing and ibuprofen, paracetamol. But I’m missing my routine of exercise and I’m frustrated already. Any advice??