While I’ve been recovering from this Hip replacement, I’ve been digging into my older posts, more specifically ones that are the same weeks post op as I am now, to compare the sides.

And the one thing that shocked me, was I wasn’t as good as I thought. Somehow I’d had rose tinted specs on, and thought the first hip replacement was just magic from day one. Reading back from Jan 2019 actually made me feel better, as I now realise I had issues with swelling, and pain, and stamina as I do now.

Here’s a good link to does size matter on your hip replacement components if you are interested, it explains the reasons for the size of stems and ball parts. https://debbiehipster.wordpress.com/2019/04/18/day-97-does-size-matter-hipreplacement/

So skipping into 13 weeks post hip replacement, I’m feeling a lot more confident about this recovery. I had been feeling so down and depressed about it all.

Hopefully this week we’ve been away in a lodge with walks planned, so if all goes well you will see these posts in the following week.

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Eighty Five, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week 85, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement

13 weeks post #hipreplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Goals for this week is to keep up my red band resistance exercises, but maybe try and add some ankle weights in some exercises, such as step ups, hip abduction, extension and flexion. (as the band gets hard to use at times)

To roller my scar area, to try and awaken some nerves and break down scar tissue. The area is still NUMB as hell. I feel pressure if I press down, but the sensation of touch has gone altogether.

Had another #Geocaching adventure, I love this as it gives you a purpose to get outside and walk where you might not of thought to visit. It’s chilly, but wrapped up from the biting wind, we set off to find 1st of 3 caches, first one gives co-ordinates to the second and so on, so no treasure, just hunting the clues.

First cache above, have us numbers for the second cache below.

More numbers to add, to find the third

Oh no, cache 3 is missing (we have found it a few years ago) instead this tree had an egg in the trunk. So careful not to disturb, took photo to share with the cache owner.

Oh well had fun finding the clues, time to head back after walking in heather and weird spongey grass (adder fear was real at this point)

On the way back to the car, Mr Moon spotted on the GPS another cache close by, so we headed to this one, making it 4 in one day!!

Erm…. This wasn’t hidden, it seems someone forgot the memo. Not to worry logged we found it, and carefully hidden once again.

As much as I love all this walking, my hip still has its pain moments, and nags to go and rest. Walking is good for me, mentally especially. But physio works on the actual muscles I need waking up, so it can’t replace that for me.

I was pleased to get home and rest my aches with a hot water bottle, knee twinges and thigh pains are still real here. And I am still on a walking stick, just not strong enough to walk unaided outside.