Day 3 post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Seventy Two, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Last night was a bit of a rough night, I felt poorly with tummy cramps, like I’m full of air. So I needed a hot water bottle on my belly to help me get to sleep.

The wound itself is ok, but it’s starting to sting as I move, and I can see it’s leaked a little more. TW for picture below.

Now that the anaesthetic from the surgery is wearing off and leftover spinal, I can feel the need for medication more. But I got away with 3 tramadol and 8 paracetamol yesterday, so hopefully I can do the same today.

I attempted some heel slides, but I have no strength yet, I can lift it a little.

But short arc quad exercises I can do.

87 Weeks Post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid-19 Lockdown, Covid-19 Week Twenty Three, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip Arthroscopy, Hip replacement

Do you notice that dreaded flare once a month?

Well there’s a good reason for that, namely it’s all in the HORMONES

Many young women that have inflammatory arthritis, including psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, They will discuss flares in their symptoms when they have their period.

The Hormone such as estrogen has an influence on the immune system. The relationship of flares in arthritis symptoms at the time of menstruation is also due to the effects of pain perception which is related to estrogen.

When estrogen levels are low, women report more pain. In clinical trials, those given a placebo without estrogen have more joint pain than those given estrogen. Thus, the lower levels of estrogen during menstruation may be a cause of the increase in joint pain that many women with arthritis report.

Of course not only am I affected by #Arthritis I also have #EhlersDanlosSyndrome which not only increases the pain levels, but makes the joints highly unstable. So I frequently dislocate, and sublux various joints, such as Shoulders, Elbows, Thumbs, Middle Finger and of course HIPS!!

When a flare up happens for me, I’m all braces for thumbs, compression sleeves for fingers and elbows.

Hot water bottles and foam roller for shoulders,

and hot water bottle for hips. And a reminder to be gentle with myself and know it will pass.

Let’s hope it passes soon. I’m feeling rather broken and useless.

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Issues

Archive, Arthritis, Covid Week Eight, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility

EDS Strike’s back!! This last couple of weeks have been honestly quite hellish. Pain is all consuming and it feels like there’s no end in sight.

This is a dark dark place to find yourself in, felt trapped and lonely and deeply depressed. It’s not often I’m this low, and I usually hide it away from others, except family as they physically see it.

But as it’s May it’s #EhlersDanlosAwareness month I thought I’d share my woes.

I have EDS Hypermobility type, formerly known as EDS type 3.

Hypermobile EDS

People with hEDS may have:

Currently, there are no tests to confirm whether someone has hEDS.

The diagnosis is made based on a person’s medical history and a physical examination.

On top of this I have MCAS too Last Cell Activation Syndrome,in which I can be allergic to the air, a scent, a food, a colouring at any time! Thankfully though mine seems to be more flushing and heating. So it’s manageable.

For my EDS my hips, ankles and shoulders are the most affected. And recently it’s been my shoulders, Ive wanted to amputate them so many times this month already.

To combat the pain and instability, as they are subluxing while dressing or brushing my hair, Ive been going back to basics, to pull the ligaments and tendons back into line to hopefully make the shoulder more stable.

Lying in bed with it just hanging down is literal heaven right now. The arms weight naturally pulls it right in the joint, so it sits comfortable.

With the ball I rotate it in circles going clockwise, then anti clockwise, and gently roll up and down. Though SMALL movements to ensure it stays in joint and not extending too much.

There are some amazing YouTube videos by #JeannieDiBon

And you can find her on Twitter too, for a wealth of advice and guidance.

@jdibon Twitter.