Day 3 post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Seventy Two, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Last night was a bit of a rough night, I felt poorly with tummy cramps, like I’m full of air. So I needed a hot water bottle on my belly to help me get to sleep.

The wound itself is ok, but it’s starting to sting as I move, and I can see it’s leaked a little more. TW for picture below.

Now that the anaesthetic from the surgery is wearing off and leftover spinal, I can feel the need for medication more. But I got away with 3 tramadol and 8 paracetamol yesterday, so hopefully I can do the same today.

I attempted some heel slides, but I have no strength yet, I can lift it a little.

But short arc quad exercises I can do.

Day One post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Seventy Two, Covid-19 Lockdown, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Well barely any sleep on my first night, but I feel brilliant. Pain is managed, and I have full feeling in the leg now.

Had breakfast and coffee, washed and changed into my own clothes, and got seen by Occupational therapy for exercises, I got my crutches too, so that means I have full independence now.

Cannula is out, thank goodness as it was awful and each time antibiotics went in the pain flared up.

Had bloods done, so awaiting Pharmacy and X-ray, they being all good it should be home time today. Physio signed me off as they are happy with the fast pace on crutches. Leg feels so long though, but I know it will soon be equal with regular physio exercises.

Dinner time came and it wasn’t too bad, Tomato and basil soup, Ham sandwich and Black cherry yogurt.

Very very busy today and not enough staff, so I’ve just been listening to podcasts to pass the time, as it’s looking to be a late departure for me.

Finally got an x-ray around 4pm and got the all clear to ring home at 5pm. Just managed to get my tea, which means as soon as I get home I can fall asleep. I’m so shattered from all this walking, and not sleeping well for 2 nights.

Tea was lasagna, Green beans, Carrots and New potatoes, Crackers and cheese, with pure Orange juice. I have saved the crackers and cheese for later on. Lasagna was a little too tasty for me, though lovely. I seem to be better off with plain foods at the moment.

At 7pm ish we got home, flowers and presents waiting, feeling very spoilt, but also very tired. Changed my clothes, and managed a hot water bottle for my back. I was sent home with only paracetamol as pain relief as they knew I had tramadol at home, so at 9.30pm I had 1 tramadol, hopefully that will get me through the night.