Day 3 post #HipReplacement

Archive, Arthritis, Covid -19 ~ Week Seventy Two, Covid-19 Lockdown, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Hip replacement, SURGERY

Last night was a bit of a rough night, I felt poorly with tummy cramps, like I’m full of air. So I needed a hot water bottle on my belly to help me get to sleep.

The wound itself is ok, but it’s starting to sting as I move, and I can see it’s leaked a little more. TW for picture below.

Now that the anaesthetic from the surgery is wearing off and leftover spinal, I can feel the need for medication more. But I got away with 3 tramadol and 8 paracetamol yesterday, so hopefully I can do the same today.

I attempted some heel slides, but I have no strength yet, I can lift it a little.

But short arc quad exercises I can do.