Occam’s Razor by Stewart Giles #BlogBookTour

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About the Author
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After reading English & Drama at three different English Universities and graduating from none of them, I set off travelling and finally ended up in South Africa, where I still live. I enjoy the serene life running a boat shop on the banks of the Vaal Dam. I came up with the DS Jason Smith idea after my wife dropped a rather large speaker on my head. Whether it was intentional still remains a mystery. Smith, the first in the series was finished in September 2013 and was closely followed by Boomerang and Ladybird. Occam’s Razor, Harlequin and Phobia (a series of short stories detailing Smith’s early life) were all completed in one hazy 365 days and Selene was done and dusted a few months later. Horsemen, the seventh in the DS Smith thriller series is out now. The Beekeeper, a departure from the DS Smith series will be released through Joffe Books on 22 May.
Twitter: @stewartgiles
My Review
So following on front the previous books I find myself reading another in the series, and diving more into the detectives past. We learn more of his personal history, and you start to feel like he’s someone you know in real life.
You learn how and why he behaves the way he does, what makes him tick. Clever really as most show all sides to their main character in the first book, leaving little to be revealed and discovered. It’s more exciting this way, and you go through a myriad of emotions, and you’ll love, hate and feel sorry for him all at different stages.

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