Camping Trip #Whitby

Archive, Covid - 19 Week Twenty Two, Covid-19 Lockdown, Family Adventures, Health, Hips, Hypermobility, Travel, Witch, Pagan, Druid, Faery, Spiritual

Following an epic woodland Falling Foss walk the day before, we had hoped for a traditional beach day to sunbathe or paddle board. But the weather was freaky, inland at the site was glorious, but the coast was eerie, misty and dangerous.

What better than to visit a graveyard hunting for Dracula gravestones, his victims and one he hid in!!

The Fog was thick and very scary to drive in at times.

The Abbey could barely be seen, but no matter we were here for the Church yard instead.

And it couldn’t of looked more perfect if it had tried. Perhaps it looked like this when Bram Stoner wrote the novel?

Found one stone with the tell tale skull and cross bones, we had found it on a previous trip (Whitby Goth Weekend last October) but I knew there were 2 others to find.

Walked around each one to come across the others.

Finally we spotted the best one, also the hardest one to find.

And then the third one was found, looks like the first and was weirdly right next to it too. Never saw that last year.

Down the 199 steps there are benches, well I thought they were benches to rest on. Turns out they used to rest the bodies on them, as they carried them up to be buried!!

Mr Moon fits nicely. Bit eerie, and we probably looked like we were having a laugh but we were quiet somber too, never forgetting it has real loved ones buried here, so if you go please be respectful too.

This was our last full day, as only came from Tuesday to Friday. It was a whistle stop tour of Yorkshire and we know we left off many other things and places we are hoping to visit next time. Just never enough time or energy to do it all.

Another fry up tea, best thing about camping is not feeling guilty about the naughty food you eat. We wrapped up with blankets and hot chocolate and had more perseids shooting stars to watch. Yorkshire has the best skies to watch, so clear and vast.